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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"LUNA!" My mother cried out embracing me tightly as soon as I slid off the horse.

"Mother you're suffocating me." I choked out. She pulled away and trapped my face in her soft hands analyzing my person for anything wrong. Her wild dark hair is unkempt and hanging around loosely down her back, her eyes are hazel and much lighter than mine, mine are dark brown almost earthy although she does say they're alluring and one of my best features. Her skin is light from lack of sunshine because she's always cooped up inside to do whatever a mother is supposed to do and today she's chosen to wear her grey blue dress with a few brown sewn on patches but using a white apron to hide them. She's the most unusual woman, we're wealthy enough to have our own servants but she is willing to do the chores with them.

"You're alright?" She asked checking my temperature.


"Good." She said then suddenly she cuffed my right ear. "What do you think you were doing out late on your own!?" She smacked me again lighter than the first time. "Out on full moon! Didn't I teach you better!" She smacked my head again harder Han both the other ones.

"You really think hitting me is going to..." Smack.

"Don't talk back to me. I was worried sick and no one would help me search for you! Your father had to keep me tied to the bed so I wouldn't travel down to your grandparents and run around the woods to find you." I looked around her and saw the carriage that was set up. She really was going to ride out and find me?

"I'm fine I'm always fine."

Her hand raised again but she dropped it to her side sighing heavily. "Yes I know but you shouldn't push your luck. Because the next time Lady Luck will be helping someone else more worthy of her time."

"Why thank you mother..." I growled and she cuffed me again.

"Watch your mouth."

Don't be shocked that she hits me.

Ever since I was a child and learnt to run I was always mischievous so to punish me she would smack me. I've been alright for the past seven years so I guess the devious devil inside of me has returned and made her frantic. I deserve the spankings I get but not this time. No this time I have done something right. I think.

"I have to tell you something!" I urged.

"You most certainly do! Now get inside before I cut off all your hair!" She's always scaring me with threats like that. The way she shows affection is strange to others but I still love her no matter what. It's father I have the real problems with... Anyway it's not the first time I've been missing for a couple of a days... Oh dear that sounds bad.

She forced me inside by my bruised wrist where our servants scurried towards me ready to help but mother sent them away enraged. The pastel green walls holding up the portraits of my father's fathers in the entrance way frowned down at me. I stuck my tongue out at my recently deceased grandfather.

They say respect your elders but if they're dead then what's the point? Especially if in their life they were nothing more than self-absorbed pigs. I hated the way he talked down to my mother all because she was just a simple peasant girl when father met her. I especially hated how he tried to turn me against her. I was ten years old and at that moment at dinner when he was arguing with my mother I decided his hand was better to chew on than the broccoli. I earned a proud smack on the head from her. I regretted nothing because I caught her laughing later on in the night.

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