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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

~Dedicated to my sister for her witty comebacks~


Ella and I waited in the pale blue walled parlour while the real Duke Crowly the father of Evan and our parents sat in another parlour conversing on some boring topic about... About... Well on something boring like say the King. I think that's what they were discussing and I'm far too interesting to care about things like that. Like for example Alpha, now Sam and the Loup-garou and my friends, put all that together and you've got a maddening story that is far more inspirational than whatever the adults have to say. And the whole time I was sitting there anticipating the very moment that Evan would enter, therefore I wasn't really paying attention in the first place and I couldn't stand it any longer suggesting for Ella's and my exit. The unlikely predicament of being in his house in the first place is astonishing enough! How was I to predict a forming friendship between the Duke and my father? And as I had my little tour of the house I could see absolutely nothing wrong with it which infuriated me more! The devil has taste yet then again his parents are possibly nicer people. Possibly. Couldn't quite read them from the smiles and kind offerings of treats and goods. It was rather distracting. Especially the chocolate. I had never actually tried that before it was like my tongue had had an orgasm. That was a weird thing to think, must remember to never ever say that out loud.

I rested my chin in my hand letting out a huff of boredom. But when I sensed eyes watching me I straightened in the love seat and the black cat sitting on his own golden armchair with the most remarkable purple eyes I've ever seen, I caught him staring at me. He's resting his head on his dainty paws and when I titled my head to the side he did to. I rocked my head to the other side and he followed my movement. I waved my hand hand but he shook his head as if he refused to do to the act and I laughed. 

"How marvellous." I exulted.

"I wonder where Evan is." Ella said with a mouthful of sponge cake.

"I don't." I replied dully. What are the chances that we just missed the over joying company of the annoyance himself? I shall not question it in case I jinx it. "Do cats usually have purple eyes?"

"They can be born with any colour eyes, sometimes two different colours on either eye."

"Interesting." I stood up and walked over to the cat.

"Leave it alone Luna." She droned.

"If it wanted to be alone it wouldn't be in here with us." I sat on the floor before it and read the cat's collar. "No tag?" I scratched behind his ear and he dug his chin into my long nail under my gloves. His eyes fluttered with pleasure and he relaxed against my hand gazing up at me with an expression almost impossible to understand. All I can get from it is that he likes me.

"What are you doing mutant?" Both the cat and I rose our heads over the seat to Evan Crowly's sudden and unwanted appearance. I couldn't help but glare at Ella accusingly and I know it's unjust and doesn't make sense but she is the only human I know who wanted him around. I glared back at the fancy dressed pompous brat and the cat purred touching his damp nose to mine before he gracefully leaped off the cushion to the floor and ran away. Tripping Evan in the process and a loud curse shot out but I bit away the amusement and Ella blushed almost horrified. He pulled at his coat and scrunched up his face furious.

"Enjoying the grand house? Eating my food and sitting on my furniture you leeching peasant?" Evan asked while struggling to fix his tie.

I chuckled as I stood up and decided to fix the tie myself. "It's like heaven." I tightened it right up to his neck giving the impression I was about to choke him and with that he flinched, his gaze piercing into me like large silver daggers. My grin disappeared. "But you're here."

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