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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

One moment I was running lost in the woods and the next I was overcome by a powerful wave that was even larger than the trees themselves. I am slipping down into the darkness of the water that looks like it will never end. If I were to give up struggling my body would be floating into an endless abyss. I can see up above the water distorting the full moon and I swam with all my strength trying to reach the top yet barely moving at all.

I will not drown I will not die like this! This is not how it's supposed to end.

But I am too weak and I sunk into the darkness soon finding myself in the woods near my grandparents house. All thoughts of drowning dissipate as if it never happened and a new target of survival is thrown at me.

I whipped my head around searching through the shadows for something. I'm determined to find someone, I know there's someone I'm meant to be looking for but I don't-if that makes sense.

"I'm going to get him." A barely audible whisper.

I recognised the voice and screamed. "Michael? MICHAEL!" I spun around and my eyes met with my brother's frightening face. "Michael?" His eyes dark pools and his skin deathly pale.

"Luna go home." He demanded coldly. I barely recognise him however I know it's him. I almost did as he requested though suddenly thoughts of a dangerous beast flew into my mind.


"I don't want you here." He hissed turning away from me and storming further into the menacing woods. 

All I had to do was turn around and tell my grandparents but would we have made it in time to stop him?

I grew angry. I know what's going to happen. I'm not going to let my brother go on his foolish quest. I can save him this time. I have a chance. "Wait!" I screamed in panic when my eyes couldn't find him. The trees began to swap places and find new positions to confuse me. "Michael please come back. You don't what he's like! Michael please!"

The forest stopped and trees arched revealing a path into a blue mist. My squinted at a silhouette standing far from me and became concious of the fact that it was a girl. Why would anyone not blood related to me be out here?

I waved at the silhouette of the girl and she copied my actions. "You shouldn't be out here." 

She didn't utter a word. I suddenly became afraid of my own breaths as if they'd be my last. I swallowed my and onwards I went to go comfort the girl, mainly see who she is but also help her get home. She started walking towards me. I didn't pick out who she was until we were literally face to face.

"You're me." She said at the same as me but she wore a sly smile. "What did you do?"

"What did we do?" She whispered wickedly.

"No. I didn't do anything."

"And that's why Michael is dead." She pouted mockingly. I slapped her and flounced off with my cheek stinging  and tears pouring down my cheeks. "Don't turn your back on me." She screamed. I ran my breathing quickening. "Come back. Luna! LUNA! No!" I paused glancing back and Alpha snapped his jaws around her head ripping it clean off. I couldn't even scream.

'Luna...' He purred mockingly. 'My Luna.' There's nowhere to run, the earth made it so I had only one escape. Me, the cliff, Alpha and his evil yellow eyes.


"NO!" I screamed as I fell off but something got a hold of my hand dragging me back up.


A marble floor is in the middle of a forest I'm unfamiliar with. It's enchanting, it's beautiful with all the couples dancing across it in eccentric yet alluring dresses and marvellous suits, all masked.

I looks down, no longer in drags but dressed in silver and from across the grand ball another silhouette took notice of me and I him. He closed the space, floating across the floor. I beamed.

The figure was just a tall black shadow with two golden eyes. He bowed to me and offered his hand. I took it without a second thought and was pulled into spin out into the middle of the dance floor. I paused right in tune with the music with him standing in front of me. Our hands intertwined and his hand found my waist. We glided across the marble floor and everyone else simply disappeared like smoke.

I felt safe and happy. I felt in love with the shadow as he twirled me and lifted me and when I laughed his golden eyes brightened.

"I will protect you." I said to him. He stroked my cheek affectionately and faded away.


I wake up.

I arched my back stretching up my arms above my head while yawning lazily. I avoided looking at my clock and found how irritating the sunlight is right now.

Only a strip of light is shining through the crack of the curtains and it's burning one of my eyes. I sighed then just tilted my head to the side so the light avoided my face and hit my pillow instead.

"Rude." I complained to the sun. "You arrive at the worst of times." I covered my mouth with the back of my hand yawning again then I asked myself. "What do I have to do today?" Now that I have chores.

1. Serve breakfast
2. Sit awkwardly while we wait for my father to finish eating then complain about my mother's cooking even though we have a cook
3. Wash up
4. Dust the place
5. Sweep the floors
6. Carefully clean father's study - and go through his explicit drawings of women I faintly recognise
7. Stick by my mother's side until father leaves so she feels at peace
8. There's a spider in my sister's room that she wants me to get rid of
9. I should probably mop a bit to, that should help me get on mother's good side
10. Sneak off to the library and look up more information on werewolves
11. Create a plan to deal with the damned dog
12. Find a weapon - no more knives
13. Maybe find a joke book to distract the wolf for a bit - he said he wanted me to be funny
14. Come home for more chores
15. Listen to mother's complaints
16. Sketch a bit
17. Sing a bit and help Ella with her song for I don't even remember and...

That's it I think... For the morning till afternoon who knows what everyone has planned for me tonight. Maybe they'll send me to a farm to do someone else's chores. Is my family that cruel?

I sat up going over the 'to do list' again and again just getting tired thinking about the work then I stared blankly at the door for a couple of seconds.

"Five more minutes."


Please share this story to friends or randoms! Vote if you liked it and comment on who you think the dark figure was. Also what do you think about what happened to Michael? Why did the other Luna blame her for his death?

Stay Amazing!


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