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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


As the night progressed the party livened and all thanks to drinking. But there was one person not following the party spirit and he carried himself proudly around the outskirts just observing like a ghost. What is he even doing here? He is not from any high class bloodline how did he even get an invite to this event? Now I sound like the snobs I make fun of.

"Think you'll marry him?" My mother whispered making me choke and splatter my drink on my dress. Again.

"What brought that question?" I demanded to know. Her eyes widened shocked but at the same time amused.

"You won't stop looking at him, I'm assuming you're already naming my future grandchildren." She's teasing me and I don't like it. Not at all!

"Even if I'd wanted to I strongly doubt that he has any loving eye for me." I said truthfully while my mother grabbed a napkin and we both attacked the stain.

"Nonsense you're beautiful. He'd be a fool." She stated fiercely. I smiled and rested my chin on her shoulder as we looked over at the dancers.

"Love you." I whispered.

"Love you more."

"I love you most."

She heavily sighed. "Luna." I lifted my head up and stared at her warily. "Never mind me when I call you out as a fool. I want you to be as foolish as you can before," she paused. "Before society chains you down."

I nodded understanding. "I will not let it and one day when I change the world, become a millionaire with my writing I shall free you from your chains. You can stay at my palace and we'll go shopping in Monaco every weekend for simple fun."

"That'll be the day!" She scowled. I laughed too loudly but stopped when I noticed Sam staring at me from the far side of the garden. "You seem to have caught the attention of a few men at this ball Luna."

I creased my brow confused. "A few?"

"Golden boy with the bruises." I giggled flushing as she gestured to Sam. "Actually let's call him the brave warrior I mean look at those arms."

"Please stop." I begged bring a hand to cover my eyes embarrassed. The last thing I want to hear is my mother gawking at the annoyance in my life.

"The wide chest, that strong jaw." Through my fingers I caught the snicker on his face but I looked away once he gazed back up at me. Damn him and his wolf hearing. "The golden skull." She gestured her chin to Evan wearing a golden demon mask with gold fangs.

I had to whisper otherwise I would have regretted it later. "Suits him very well." Although why is he staring...? Oh he is just glaring me all good. For a second there I almost thought he was admiring me and turns out my disguise is very flawed.

"And next to him... what should we call him?" Curtis stared at me behind his black mask that was designed to make him look sinister but I know behind the mask he's soft and sweet.

"Name something cute and cuddly." I said.

"A bear?" She suggested.

"A big cuddly bear." I giggled watching him. He gazed back at me still trying to see through the disguise then he smiled.

"So this one you like?"

"I don't like anyone." I said putting the emphasis on like but I can't keep off the sheepish smile. "You know I don't look for that."

"Pick a good one Luna. You can not be beautiful for nothing."

"What if I didn't choose a man? What if I lived life with no ring?"

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