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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos



Oceans of blood pouring out from just one body, filling up the monster's cave and drowning my feet.

The metallic smell of the blood strangely enough didn't make me gag, the sight of it all is horrific but I can't seem to look away.

My tears began to brazenly fall down my face as I stepped closer to the body. But one step activated a pair of evil gold eyes to appear just above the body on the large rock. I suddenly realised where I was.

'I'll have my Luna.' He whispered hoarsely. 'If she doesn't come to me I'll finish her like I've finished him.'

I averted my eyes down and cried out in pain as I recognised Michael's lifeless face, the face of my brother, my blood and screamed at the sight of his insides all tangled up and sprawled out from the hole in his torso.

'Luna.' I didn't want to look up at him yet I dared to. Staring up at his golden eyes again, the sinister pools that she'd no remorse on what he has done to me. Was this how it happened?

His cool voice let out another whisper.

'You're mine.'

The wolf leaped down and attacked my shoulder with his great razor fangs sinking into my delicate flesh.

The pain was too agonising that I couldn't even scream.


I fell out of bed gasping for air and smacked my head hard into the wooden floor. Not even the blanket around me cushioned my fall but the pain is nothing to my frightened pounding heart that feels it wants to burst out of my ribcage. I felt the wood heat and dampen as I breathed into it and when I raised my hand it was still trembling. I lay there for a few moments cheek pressed down and eyes watering. For awhile I thought I might never move again but something in me carried away the scare and I sat up leaning against my bed curling the thick blanket around me.

I had been crying in my sleep and I had every reason to. That dream was too real and too much for my already mad mind to handle. I've never had dreams so vivid and evil before. I never used to have nightmares ever! Not even when I was a child. Or if I did it was of my father but never a monster. Now is not a time to wonder if there's any difference between the two.

The thought of his piercing stare made me pull the covers tighter around my body and whimper.

"It was just a dream." No it was more than a dream it was the truth. What had happened to Michael my poor brother. This is reminder, some guardian angel or subconscious is reminding me who I'm dealing with and why I'm carrying out my insane escapade.

My lips began to tremble in fear again and my eyes continued to release my tears.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

I sniffled wiping my face with my clammy hands pushing myself up onto my feet. I hope no one is concerned or heard anything.

I'm a wreck. I know I'm just going to need some more help to go through with this. Marilyn said to meet with the girls later on this week or the next to discuss the matter before I make any rash decisions. I've gone way back past the point of rational thinking.

I flinched when my windows blew open unexpectedly and the cold air rushed in freezing me to the bone.

I got up letting the blanket fall to the floor and leaned outside to grab the handles of the windows but stayed like that staring up at the silver moon. It's very thin tonight, a curved needle.

I don't really want to be cooped up in here not when the night is practically calling out to me. I think that's my problem I will create any excuse just to be out of this estate. Away from protected walls and barriers.

I just need to walk it off then I can go back to sleep.

I went for the large white chest with gold open padlocks at the foot of my bed easing it open as quietly as possible to not disturb my family. I pulled out my deceased brother's clothes which I had fixed up myself to fit with my body shape and lay them out on my bed. I only grabbed all his black clothes because he never wore them, he'd only ever wear bright colours so my mother would never realise anything missing from his room. Without removing my nightgown I pulled on the tight pants then easily slipped on the boots. I shimmied out of the nightdress then shrugged on a black blouse and buttoned up my own black bodice over it, it gives my bust a boost and makes my waist look smaller not that it really matters how I look while I'm out there.

But I figure even if I die out there I'll die a looker.

Yes why not?

Although I've always wondered why he bothered keeping these clothes, when I found them in the back of his cupboard I noticed they were covered in old mud stains. Like they had been worn but never in front of my eyes or everybody else's. What confused me more is I found something else, something completely unexpected.

A silver arrow.

What would my brother be doing with it I think it should be obvious however I haven't found a bow or crossbow anywhere in his room.

Just this arrow.

The worst part is I can't find his journal either. Someone has moved it or taken it because I searched high and low in that room. I sighed pulling on his coat and cap before going to the window again.

I've been known to sneak out my window a lot when I was young. Only because mother would lock me in my room at night thinking that would stop me but ever since she caught me trying to climb back in one morning she since then just left my door unlocked.

"If you're going to sneak off I'd prefer it be safely out the front door."

And she would never tell father.

Now I must keep more secrets from her. To protect her like she's always protected me.

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