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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


Awoke in a forest.

Why is it always the forest? The dreary woods with shadow creatures and mocking voices will never cease to haunt me.

I found him standing over our mother's dead body in his great wolf form, her insides pulled out from her and her dark eyes staring lifelessly up at the dark sky. A sky coated in black clouds hiding away the daylight.

He had blood all around his snout and his expression glowed in pride.

"Alpha?" A melodious voice cooed from afar. Luna skipped out from the trees across a vast grey lake but once she saw the body she backed away looking at me terrified.

I didn't do it. Surely she knows that!

Then she looked at Alpha he was already pacing in her direction on all fours stopping at the edge of the lake wagging his tail excitedly with his shoulders hunched.

Day automatically turned into night and the dreary clouds cleared revealing the villainess moon in her full form. Luna was gone and Alpha was a human facing away from me and still looking at the spot of where she had stood. The muscles in his back were bulging unnaturally and he was wearing black pants shredded at the knees.

"She's mine." He whispered to himself.

"She's not." I growled.

He disappeared. Mother disappeared with him.

The trees transformed into stone walls forming a hallway and at the end was light.

One step at a time soon turned into running towards it scared out of my mind.

Luna. Luna you can't trust him. He's manipulative! He's dangerous. He will hurt you without a second thought or a shred of doubt.

Luna! Luna.

I entered a room that had a king sized bed in the middle of it covered in torn blankets stained in blood and Luna's lifeless body slumped on her side facing away from me. The moon glowed through the French arch windows also splattered in drops of blood.

He was nowhere to be seen and I couldn't bring myself to move towards her.

"Luna..." I whimpered falling to my knees.

She suddenly stirred and moaned in pain making my breathing hitch. My mouth pulled back into a smile until I heard the cracking of bones.

She groaned.

Her chemise was torn open at the back, I noticed this as she tried to sit up and I watched the cuts and bruises on her back heal in an instant. I saw her spine push against her skin and move like snake.

She groaned again only louder.

She winced and her body started to shake, twist and bend unnaturally.


She threw her head back showing me her pained expression, her eyes shut tight and white gleaming fangs grew out from her gums snarling at the air.

She howled.



Curtis checked my temperature by resting his hand on my forehead. The coolness stunned me and I winced when he took it away from me. "You're on fire."

"I feel like I'm burning from the inside." I admitted. I had a coughing fit then groaned as the movement hurt.

"How is your head?"

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