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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Traitors. "What were you ladies doing exactly? Why did you not help me?" I snapped.

Marilyn flipped her blonde hair back batting her lashes innocently. "We wanted to. Trust me we did but Satine..."

Satine rebutted. "No it was Marilyn!"

"Don't look at me!" Marilyn exclaimed then pointed her nose at the other villainess. "Valerie."

"Oh quiet down the lot of you and let's go already!" Valerie exclaimed. She spun around her skirt flying around her dramatically but oh this is far from over but for now I will have to spectacularly dance my rage off.


The journey to the 'underworld' is a long painful one. Well that is a tad dramatic, perhaps not painful just more say frightening. My heart was on edge for the entire little adventure because my first time going I was informed last minute that our only transport was walking. I wasn't too disturbed by the walking part until I realised the places we were passing. We passed a graveyard and if that wasn't nerve racking enough we passed the intimidating weeping riverbank where willow trees hanged over gently stroking and causing ripples. It is supposed to be haunted and it most definitely scared me  but I want on. The stars being our guides and guards, Satine had told me to keep me moving and I've gotten so used to the eeriness of these places that when I passed them once again I was full of fortitude. Or, maybe I was just upset about Mr Crowly's accusations. It doesn't matter for either way, the moaning from the dead and weeping from the willows did not deter me. The city was far behind us and we kept walking up the hill with its itchy grass irritating our legs every time it scratched and skinned us alive. The problem with this is the club is so far away at least half of the night is wasted trying to get there and that leaves barely much time to have fun before I have to be back in bed for the household notices.

It's even worse tonight for over half of my night was wasted with a wasted Curtis trying to sweep me off my feet as I struggled to keep him on his. But as much as I complain on the journey in the end once I'm there it's always worth it. I almost feel bad that Curtis would have to miss it. But not that bad.

Wind whistled and the trees whispered to each reminding me of the creepiness of the dark woods where Alpha hides. I feel that he's watching me even now. Could he be? Can the demon wolf morph into other creatures or turn invisible so I cannot see him?

"Girls." I called out as they strolled ahead of me. "Girls..." I called again wrapping the cloak around me.

Valerie scowled assuming I'm complaining again. "We're almost there Luna!"

"I'm not complaining I just have something important to say."

'And what would that be little one?' The raspy voice whispered making me gasp and fall over flat on my face. I pushed my up on my hands and whipped my head around in several directions.

He's here?

No he can't be up here!

That didn't even sound like him it doesn't sound as terrifying.

"Luna!" Marilyn screamed in surprise and all of them bolted in my direction to see if I was alright. They slowed a little when caught laughing a little. I apologise but women look ridiculous running in those dresses! Valerie and Marilyn reached me pulling me up onto my feet. "Is your dress alright?"

"Wow thanks for your concern Mari." I rolled my eyes at her then snapped my neck in different directions again over the hill searching for golden eyes. That voice wasn't just my imagination it was there, it was real! Alpha is here.

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