Author's note

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Helloooo to the myths and monsters of wattpad who have shown an interest in this book.

The first chapter of the re-written version is up. I repeat! (can't be bothered typing it again)

The new title of it is called women and wolves, it's a bit iffy I know, but great titles usually come later so they say.

Anyway go check it out on my profile and give it your support, I promise it is just as good or simply better than Claimed by Him and that you will enjoy it thoroughly.

If not then well I could probably direct you to better werewolf smut novels on wattpad ;)

(Trust me to keep a list of them...)

There are still I think at least four chapters I had for Claimed by him that hadn't been put up yet and depending on how many reads Women and Wolves gets, will depend on whether I publish them.

Sorry for my bad grammar,

Meow for now~

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