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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


I sat opposite her in the carriage and tension built a thick wall between us making me hesitant to question her. She sat there fidgeting with her dirtied red dress and staring out the window looking distressed but I fear it's for different reasons. I've left behind Evan and my group to go on with the hunt without me. I had to get her out of there, I had to save her from a fate worse than death. Now I sound like my father, one of the council members of our werewolf hunting clan. He would be so disappointed in me now for leaving my team, who knows what he would do if there was the slight suspicion Luna was one of them.

"Talk to me Curtis before I explode." She said her dark eyes meeting mine and she exhaled a nervous breath. No fangs in her mouth.

"You told me to be silent." No bite mark on her neck. Just a bad nightmare. A subconscious fear rising to stir me.

"I have changed my mind. Silence is the last thing I want."

"What do you want me to say?" No claws. No fur. Still looks human.

"Something distracting. I have such a headache..." Her hand touched the side of her head and when she pulled it back her eyes widened in shock. "I'm bleeding." I slid across the seat so I was directly in front of her and took her face in my hands. Blood was pouring out from her head staining her hair and I tore off some of her dress to press the fabric against it.

"We'll have to head to the doctor."

"Just take me home and we'll send for one."

"You're not in a state to wait for help. We're closer to Crowly's home..."

"I am not going back in there."

"He won't be there that I can promise you."

When I thought she would fight me she surprised me by worrying. "I hope everyone is safe Curtis, I can't bear the thought that..."

"I'm sure everyone is fine, the guards will be after them by now."

"If the guards were enough the wolves wouldn't be a problem by now." She snapped. I almost smiled at how her brain works, the words that slip out of her mouth always stun me. "And if there are lots of loup-garou out there I doubt killing these two is going to save us the pain, what if they have friends or, what are they called? Their wolf groups?"

"Packs." I answered. She doesn't know that simple fact so she can't possibly be werewolf.

"If they have packs and we just kill them and then the pack attack for revenge." Her face started paling and she groaned in pain. "My head."

"Stop the carriage." I ordered.


"We're here." I opened the door and stepped ready to help her. She glared at me from the far side of the carriage clasping her hands in her lap. "Don't be difficult." I ordered sternly ready to haul her out by her forearm.

"Not by any circumstances, ill or well am I to ever enter that..." I sighed exasperated closing the door and walked around to the other side. I swung open the door and grabbed her by the gown. "You'll tear it!" She whined. It's already a vomit worthy garment but still I enlightened her.

"Then you better get moving."

"You brute." She followed me out. She closed the door and stared me down looking deadly adorable. "Let it go."

"Not until you're far from the carriage."

She scowled. "I could just as easily run away." She paused when I elevated my brow. "Probably should have kept my mouth shut."

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