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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Deep into a dark desperate place; a nightmare land, is a home built inside of a mountain where no sun will shed its kind light.

The home of the foul beast that is as cold as his heart.

This home was a room with only a bed, it's duvet: animal skins and decor: bones and meat.

In the bed he lay there dreaming, it was late, he was exhausted so he was brought to a point where he had simply drifted into the same world, the same life he loves, the same way he spends every full moon. However slightly different when it came to tactics and thoughtful thinking.

He dreamt of stealing, stealing livestock and stealing the life of a sleeping girl who's screams were never heard from when she realised she was being taken.

He threw her body onto the bed and she whimpered trying crawl away but he grabbed a fistful of her chemise bringing her close his face.

"Alpha?" Her timid voice made him tense.

He analysed the girl he had kidnapped from the cottage. Stripped her from her rights to live or so he was about to.

He recognised his little Luna.

His great wolf-like hands raked her legs sneaking up her chemise. Sneaking is the wrong word since she is well aware of what he's doing however too afraid to do anything. Her heart continued to hurt in her chest, beating so fast that it wants to jump out and she felt that she had to scream. But she sunk into his glowing eyes like warm golden pools and pleased his ego when she relaxed letting herself be held. He dragged her onto his lap and rested her head against his large furry chest enjoying the feeling of her hands running into his fur. He couldn't remember a time where anyone had ever stroked him and treated him so tenderly, so gently. Made him feel not so ugly, so disgusting, so monstrous.

It was then as her soft fingers wove into the beast's hair that it hit him. Only she would ever be so accepting. Only she would ever love such an untameable beast, such an atrocity.

A sinful, horrible, vile creature forever cast into the darkness.

Forever having a throne waiting for him in hell.

There can be no one else like her, no one else to trial him and play him as she did with a such silly words.

He made a decision that she was to forever be his. Not even until death do they part, no they will share a thousand lifetimes together both under the bright brilliant full moon: running and howling and preying together.

It will be a magnificent, marvelous eternity of her stuck by his side.

But she must become like him.

The Alpha needs his Luna.

"What are you thinking?" Her voice sounded braver. She gazed up at him with no fear etched in her eyes. She was calm unable to imagine the horror he is tempted to inflict on her.

His dream grew darker.

His fangs finally tore into her flesh.

And her screams... woke the woods and reached the village.

He woke up feeling upset, not guilty only regretful that he hadn't claimed her as soon as he saw her.

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