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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


I am running as fast as my legs can take me but I don't know if my body can last any longer before burning out. The farther I run still makes no difference, the distance between I and them whoever these vicious men are has not changed! I tipped over barrels and crates to hold them back or at least give them an obstacle but they are skilled. My first thought assassins but they're not running on the walls so I shook that idea away. Robin Hoods merry men? Disciples of Jesus? The Spartans? 

I slipped over my own feet scratching my hand on some glass on the concrete and I felt warm blood trickle down. I winced.

Must keep moving.

My breathing started to slow and my body is began to feel exhausted, tortured! I need to lose them somehow.

My body can't take this any more, I stop quickly leaning against a cart, a cart filled with barrels, probably beer or wine for a tavern or inn. At the speed of light I kick out the stones holding it in place under the wheels and it tipped letting the barrels run down the street with the cart following behind them. I can't believe I just did that. They hit the men knocking the first line of them over yet unfortunately the last few men are clever enough to jump over them.

I want to stand and laugh at the sight.

I'd make the worst hero, I like to stay and watch if my traps work to see the pained expressions on the brutes' faces.

I would probably make a better bad guy.

I started running again and tried twisting through streets to lead them off my tail but once I lost my breath again I slowed to a walk and began wheezing.

"I need to get more fit." I muttered. I pressed myself up against a stone building clutching my heart. Boom-boom, boom-boom. I gasped for air. Boom-boom, boom-boom, b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b...

Fear shot me with new adrenaline as I sensed another presence again right next to me and I jumped in fright only to see and the empty street.

The nagging feeling got stronger and suddenly the person was right behind me. I twirled into a full circle seeing nothing but maybe an invisible man. 

It could be possible.

Have I truly lost it? Is this what happens when you're tired? You get overly paranoid?

The presence of him is so strong that it's actually hurting my head that I can't find the male.

"Up here little man." A voice called out from above and on top of the roof staring sinisterly down at me one of the men had caught up and just as I had seen him he knocked me down colliding his body into mine. I fell back with him on top of me and my hat rolling off and away from me so my face is in full view for him to see and I tried to hide my horror and keep an angry expression.

"Luna?" A man with the bottom half of his face covered in a scarf recognised me. I froze beneath.

Yes because that makes me feel safer.

Thank you world for letting the Merry disciple of Christ know me.

Why are my breasts feeling cold? I gazed at my chest. His frozen hands from the fall landed on them 'coincidentally'. I gasped when he stared widely at them and clenched my hand to swing a hard punch in his face.

"How dare you?" I pushed myself up onto my feet as he scurried back. He kept his distance and stood tall giving him my best deadly glare.

"I didn't realise you were a woman." He snapped quickly.

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