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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Don't forget to vote and comment and check another book I'm writing Bound By Blood.


Lavender and honey mixed together and coming from one source. Never before have I smelt a scent so sweet and all coming from the silhouette of one little girl walking in the group.

The girl with the heavenly scent was hidden in a black cloak so I had climbed up a tree to get a better view of her.

"Sam what on earth are you doing?"

I stared down at Mr Blanchard grinning ear to ear. "Don't you want to know who these girls are Charles?"

He smiled to himself bashfully. "I am no creepy stalker Sam. I am a gentleman."

"You spend your days with rotting corpses." At that he stomped his foot and suddenly levitated up onto the branch beside me. "You wolves are strange. Do you always just follow the females behinds until they notice you?"

"For other wolves maybe, however for me I'm impossible to miss." I replied smugly.

My friend snickered as we eyed at the pack of girls trudging up the hill. "Let me guess they flee in terror?" I gave him 'I'll get you for that' glare. He snickered again.

The girl sighed exasperated capturing our attention. "I'm not complaining I just have something important to say."

'And what would that be little one?' I asked mischievously. She gasped and tripped over stunned causing my friend and I to stiffen yet almost slip off the tree branch we perched upon. "Did she hear me?" I whispered.

"That's not possible." He's right that isn't possible but yet here she is looking around hectically for the source of my voice while all her friends ran to her in panic. I leaned forward on the branch to get a better view but I slipped and fell landing on my knees and cursed under breath. I pushed myself up onto my feet and the one girl standing away from the group glared directly at me her eyes glowing a bright green as if there's a light shining from inside her head. Immediately I can tell she's not human just like me but not like me.

She has no scent that can help me identify what she is.

"We're being watched Valerie." The girl I believe her name is Luna whispered.

"She's right." The girl with the glowing green orbs said her brow creasing. "Run!" Now that was a mistake because basic instinct for a wolf is to chase after what's running away from them.

"Should we have some fun with them?" I asked him excitedly and of course my friend disagreed strongly. "Are you insane?"

I smirked and ran after them.


"I can't help it!" I shouted back.

Basic instinct...

I swear.

Besides there's something about the girl that is very odd. Her scent is very strong. I can actually taste the honey going down my throat but also the other thing that's most important. She heard the words I shared only for my friend to hear through our minds. She shouldn't have heard a thing but the wind rustling the leaves.

Unless she's a myth herself.

With my impeccable fast speed which no other wolf can match I ran after them. I managed to get so close to Luna that I could right now reach out and grab her hair but then I was knocked down by a powerful force my whole body smacking to the ground. I glanced up only to see the little moon girl leaping over the river to the boulder on the other side and rolled up back onto her feet to continue running as if it were nothing or effortless.

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