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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Settled in a fine restaurant with high standing peoples of grace and poise was my group with Mr Bloomwood at the centre of all disapproving eyes and much tolerability had to be taken to be accepting us. We drank, and we drank some more and we each in turn made sure Mr Bloomwood was two glasses ahead. Any common person would have been embarrassed but he peculiarly was embracing all the shamelessness of our behaviour that I decided I had misjudged his character and opened up accordingly. My senses were slightly distorting the world and I decided to pause the drinking and eat foods that would soak up the alcohol. At the start we were quiet but even I realised it didn't matter how silent we were as once our cloaks were off and I was recognised everyone seemed to be expecting the worst. I felt the accusation in their gazes as their evening is being disturbed and rather than be silent and respectful we drank and laughed obtrusively. "Another round!" Satine demanded out to the waiter and we all had to hush her. Valerie laughed and she spilled the last remaining contents on her dress. "Damn it." She hissed and Mari grabbed her glass to set it down on the table then she moved away the knives from Satine.

"Haven't you had enough?" I asked her still laughing from Curtis's joke. My hand gripped onto his arm as if squeezing it to death will help calm me down and he was laughing to. I leaned over him and poured him another glass feeling his excited breathing fan my face.

"You're going to drink me broke!" Curtis exclaimed then burst out laughing from the alcoholic high we're all buzzing on. But he was toppling. "Be careful Mr Bloom-" I grabbed him as he fell off his chair but we collapsed in a pile on the floor. The shock and horror of the remaining guests at this point humiliating.

"I'm hungry..." Marilyn complained not caring at all at what a mess I'm in right now.

"Are you alright?" I asked him analysing his soft boyish features. Curtis shared my sudden interest to take in each other's faces and I remembered I was still lying on top of him.

"Are you alright?" He whispered. I nodded crawling ungracefully to my chair not that there is anyway to be a graceful crawler.

"You're always hungry." Satine teased and Marilyn roughly nudged her shoulder in reply. Curtis shook his seat once he crashed down in it and I was afraid he was going to topple down to the floor again.

"Be careful Mr Bloomwood." I said holding his seat and then using one hand to pass on his drink to Valerie. Who had such an intense fire in her bold brilliant azure eyes. "Alright I'm dying with curiosity now." She began. "Explain to me how did you two meet?"

"Val I told you we met this morning."

"You haven't specified. Tell me Mr Bloomwood." She leaned over the table resting her head delicately on her hand as she shared a devious smile. "Your side of the story."

"We were introduced at an inn, by my cousin."

"Who is your cousin?" Sat asked as I jolted upright.

"Evan Crowly is your cousin?" I exclaimed shocked.

He chuckled. "Yes. Yes he is."

"I want to dance." Valerie said suddenly disinterested at the topic at hand. Wait a moment is no one as surprised as I am?

"This is a restaurant not a ball." Curtis said.

"You should have taken us to a ball or a cheap party." Valerie stated quoit to gulp down the wine that had been taken by Satine. "This will just not do."

"The restaurant is lovely." I assured him as he smiled at me.

"I don't know of any parties I just moved here last night. Are they a nightly thing?"

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