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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

"Luna sit down." Father ordered as soon as I arrived down stairs. Well good morning to you to. I glared at my ancestors on the wall awaiting for them to snicker and cackle like the Devils they were.

The earthy dining room only made me sleepy again, I miss the days of when nightmares didn't haunt me. "No I planned on eating breakfast while swinging on the chandelier." I said sarcastically and didn't dare look at his expression as walked through the doorway.

I did hear a light scowl from mum but when I glanced up seeing her seated at the end of the table opposite father I noticed she wore a small smile. She looks a little more radiant today for one thing her face is glowing with excitement, her dark hair is showing light brown highlights with it tied up and braided, both of her hands are around her teacup and she's tapping her fingers against it subconsciously.

I have never seen her look so happy which made curious.

I have no problems with her betraying dad in fact I am all for it. I know that's a horrible way to think and I'm sure many children would be horrified by the idea of their parents betraying their vows and whatnot. But I am old enough to see they don't want each other anymore. It used to disturb me when I was young but now I just understand.

When there's no love, then that's it there is no more to be said. I came to terms with it a long time ago. I wonder if Ella has realised yet?

"We've been invited!" He bellowed proudly and Ella squealed excitedly.

"What?" I asked confused sitting at the table next to dad as he read over some letter. Ella leaped up from her seat and leaned over his shoulder with a big smile on her face.

"The masquerade! We've been invited to the masque!" She screamed again.

If my ears could they would cry out in pain. "I knew I should have stayed in bed..." I groaned rubbing my hands over my face. I'm slightly disappointed because it's not like mother to get excited for parties and if this is the reason she's cheerful that means no romantic scandal. Can't complain that my life is boring though... "What's this Masquerade?"

"Do you ever pay attention?" Ella threw at me horrified.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that a trick question?"

"Girls." Mother shut us up and I stood up to help our servent serve breakfast while Ella excitedly went off about this ball. I can't sit down for this otherwise my head might just explode.

"Duke Crowly will be there." Ella giggled. I groaned.

My mother asked. "And his cousin Duke Bloomwood?" "

"Of course he's a Duke to." I muttered.

"Oh I can't wait!" Ella started dancing around the table her burgundy gown flying around her.

"It's too early for this much fun."

"Since when were you against fun?" Mother questioned amused.

"Since when were you for it?" I asked just as amused.

"Dance with me Luna!" Ella sang pulling at my skirt.

"Ah! Just let me put the plates down." A light rap on the door made me flinch and I placed the the pile of plates in the middle of the table and walked to the corridor watching our maid step out to the front door. "It's alright I get it." The person rapped a little more forcefully on the door once I reached the knob and I creased my brow. Who would be here this early in the morning?

"Marilyn!" I gasped in shock. She attacked me in one of her bear hugs crushing me tightly to her and I groaned in pain. "Mari... What are you doing here?" She pulled back but still gripped tightly on my shoulders.

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