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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

'I've never taken anyone to my cave before.' He said. It's almost like he expects me to feel honoured. Should I? I am the only human he's brought here... Alive.

"What a coincidence that I've never been in one." I said sardonically with goosebumps rising on my arms.

'Do you like it?' I cannot tell if he's using sarcasm or if he genuinely wants my opinion. Either way my only answer can be, "I can barely see it."

'You will soon enough.'

I had to roll my eyes at his tone. "Why do you make everything sound like a threat?"

I can just see the glow of his bared teeth, sharp and golden. He's smiling sinisterly but he believes I can't see it, that deadly grin that could rip out your throat before you could even scream. 'Because the fast pace of your heart when you're terrified is like music to my ears.'

"I'm not terrified so don't flatter yourself too much."

'Don't tell me to stop doing what I've been doing for years.'

"Right if you don't flatter yourself who will?" Am I being too informal? Will he hurt me from that comment? I should have just kept my mouth shut but the typical me wants to seem brave.

His answer made my breathing hitch. 'Be careful now you're starting to stir something you shouldn't be stirring.'

"I'm just saying as a wolf you won't get much encouragement from me or anybody else."

'Not from your kind no.' My kind? Humans...? Well what does he expect? A thank you card for eating my friends?

"Are there other wolves like you?" I questioned nervously.

'Probably.' His giant clawed hand grabbed my tiny form and lifted me up on top of a boulder. That's when I began to see a glowing orange light of a fire on the other side. My heart leaped to see some light until he climbed up next to me then gently grabbed me again to set me down on the ground. 'Go sit by the fire.' He ordered.

I crossed my arms over. "Can I get a please?" He growled instead but I refused to move. I uncrossed my arms, placing them on my hips and smirked up at him expectantly. It's not that hard to be nice jeez I wish he'd stop looking at me as if I were the devil. Although may I should play ignorant since he is up on that boulder and there's nothing stopping him from leaping down and crushing me.

'Please do sit down in my humble home.' He spat sourly so I analysed this part of the great cave of the Big Bad Wolf.

I see bones of his past victims. "It is nice... And cozy..." I lied. I walked over to the tiny flames sitting down before them and wondered how he could have made it let alone kept alight for his nightly hunt. "Now why am I here again?" He didn't respond only walked around still on all twos on the opposite side of me so the fire is between us. A part of believes he respects my space the other is debating whether or not it's possible for him to leap over that fire before I can scream.

'What possessed you to come out in the woods and find me?' He asked as he laid down resting his head between his paws.

"What possessed you from killing all those people?"

'I am a wolf.' He answered.

"I'm not too bright." I admitted with a shrug.

'Clearly.' He chuckled again. As long as he keeps doing that I know I'm safe. I just have to keep him happy and I'll still be breathing. 'Who have I killed that has struck you to the heart?'

"I don't know what you mean." I lied again creasing my brow.

'I think you do. Only fools go out to hunt me down because they've lost a loved one to me. But usually they're men. Who did I kill that made you desperate for revenge?' The flames danced in his eyes making him look like the devil's hell hound. He probably is since everyone claims him to be back at home. But then again I can't really trust their judgement now I have to rely on myself now. Especially since he hasn't killed me, yet.

I hesitated then sealed my lips shut.

'Ah... It was a boy. That's why you hate me. I killed your lover.' He mused. Amazing how his brain automatically clicks. Did he always just assume I came running out here for a boy?

I averted my eyes. "No, you killed my brother. I have no lover." I wish I kept that last part to myself. I snapped my head back up and said loudly, "and it's not just about him! It's about everyone in..."

'Your little village sure sure whatever helps you sleep at night. So what was the plan? You thought you were just going to convince me into not killing anymore? Turn me into a vegetarian?'

"I had a knife and everything to kill you." I admitted not seeing why I should not since we're on good terms now. I think...

'Really?' He tilted hus snout up. 'What happened to the knife I didn't smell it.'

"I... I... Dropped it along the way..." There was a long silence as I waited for it.

Anytime now I'm going to feel humiliated.

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You... You dropped it! You rushed out here and dropped your only weapon? That's classic oh goddess...' He rolled onto his back having a laughing fit as I blushed humiliated.

It's not that funny...

"It's my first time give me a break. I didn't actually think I would find you." Wait did he say goddess? I prefer that to another dude with a beard so I shrugged it off.

'Well you were most definitely unprepared.'

"Leave me and my simple mind alone."

'Oh you're blushing... That's so cute.' He mocked strolling over to me with watery eyes. Cute? The demon wolf from hell called me cute? 'For this I give you the freedom to leave once daylight breaks.'

My eyes burst out from their sockets. "What but... My family they'll be worried!" I'm going to get into so much trouble but I knew that when I first ran out here.

'I don't care.' He curled his long body around mine forcing me to feel the roughness of his fur. 'You're mine now.' He licked the side of my face affectionately but I think it's to prove a point and mark his belongings.

But I am not his, I am not anyone's. No one is going to claim me especially him.

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