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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

"Mr Bloomwood?" The doctor woke me up as I was asleep just outside the bedroom probably looking like a crumbling mess on the cold wooden floor. I am still wearing last night's costume only with a silver sword as 'decoration' attached to my belt. I didn't bother hiding it to the man as I climbed up the honey coloured wall. The doctor was a healthy old man but dressed in black revealing shadows on his ageing face.

I panicked. "She is alive doctor?"

"Yes of course! She's fine. I just came to tell you she has a serious fever and is to be restrained to the bed."


He chuckled to himself as if reliving a memory from a long time ago. "I've dealt with this one before and I know how fond she is of running around."

"Oh?" Was all I could reply, too surprised to say anything else.

"Have a good morning Mr Bloomwood. I trust you have contacted her family."

"Uh yes." Oops. "Have a good morning." He nodded passing me and the servants led him back to the front of the manor while I stood before my bedroom door. I knocked. No answer. I opened it and to my disappointment saw her sleeping in my bed heavily breathing.

I half expected her to be climbing out the window by now.

I pulled up a chair next to her sitting and rested my head on my arms next to her head. Liquid dripped from her forehead down her cheeks and her chest heaved every once in awhile as if she was gasping for air.

As soon as her breathing eased I did to and fell asleep holding her small delicate hand in my own scarred one.



The garden looks magnificent this morning! Ah! I truly have a gift when it comes to gardening. How majestic it looks in the summer and not even one word of a thank you from the others. In fact it seems that the flowers outside are the only creatures smiling on this sunny morning.

It got worse as Valerie complained for the third time this hour. "I cannot believe you brought that mutt into our house." To say she is upset is understatement. She's leaving a fiery trail of anger wherever she goes. Walk into a room and if you are suddenly angry for no good enough reason you'll know Valerie has just been in there seeping her anger into the air suffocating our lungs. What a day for it to! I am starting to grow tiresome of her complaints.

"Well I wasn't going to leave him for dead or worse. I heard spiders now crawl and lay eggs in your ears." I shivered at the thought clapping my hands on my ears.

"He's stinking up the place. How are we to ever rid this wet dog smell." Valerie whined stomping across the parlour with her arms crossed and her navy skirt dragging behind her.

"Burn the place down then rebuild?" Satine suggested dully as she sat in the window sill playing with knives in a green Grecian robe exposing her pale long legs.

"Are you sure Luna wasn't taken by the other dog?" Val asked.

I leaned off the window next to Satine's tearing my gaze away from he beautiful day running along without me enjoying it. "She was gone when I got there. When I sniffed her out she was at the Crowly manor. And I believe I have already told you this!"

"I knew I should have gone to that ball. I knew it I JUST KNEW IT!"

"Do you ever shut up?" Satine snapped now losing patience. Val sneered at her. Her arms still crossed and chin pointed out as she was ready to stab someone with it. "Do you want to repeat that?"

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