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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Ella stood beside me as I glared. Out through my bedroom window, French arched window slightly frosted from the cold of the night. As I waited for her to say something I watched the intricate patterns the mist shaped around our garden. The swirls and ghostly movements soothed me yet frightened me a little.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Why would anything be wrong?" She replied. I gave her a sideways glance.

Because you never talk to me when everything is right.

I sighed. "You're bored aren't you?"

Her dark eyes met mine. "Maybe." She mumbled her pink lips slightly chapped and her cheeks red from the cold. She looks adorable.

I chuckled. "I've written another story, it's on my desk."

"What's this one about?" Ella asked excitedly. She rushed over to my desk and I smiled still facing the window.

"An encounter with Death." I said full of sinister emotion.

"Oh a scandal?" Ella purred seductively that sounded unusual with her childish voice.

"This is not like the vampire smut I wrote last time." Oh bless me and my erotic thoughts.

"That was disgustingly beautiful." She picked my papers with a big shiny grin. "You should show dad and maybe make some money off this."

I snapped my head in her direction but her eyes are too focused on the page to notice my shock of her words. "My vampire smut?"

"No he'll smack you up if he reads that! I mean your other stories."

"I don't think father would like that." Besides my writing will never be good enough for publishing. If you're a girl you have to be really really good to become an author. I'm just not talented enough to make it to the big world.

"If you earn money from it he would." She's probably right. When money is involved so is he. "So what's this about?"

"Just read it." I replied too tired to explain. I was hoping writing would relax me it always does but the wolf is overbearing.

Next full moon.

Less than a month way now.

I'm too afraid to freely ask anyone because one: people will get suspicious, and two: the wolf could be anywhere.

His voice mocks me and eyes follow me. Well he's only spoken once at the inn but still I feel like I'm being constantly watched.

But I see no golden eyes leering at me.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

At least I have something on Alpha- He is easily distracted by my humour.

Alpha will fall for my charm and I will trick him into maybe, well, I suppose...

Becoming a vegetarian?

Yes how could that plan fail? I groaned at my stupidity.

"Luna? This is one of your saddest pieces." Ella whispered snapping me out of my thoughts. "But you make Death almost sweet, and I suppose Death is quite handsome to?"

I managed to let out a breathy chuckle. "Not exactly godly looking but he is friendly looking for the little girl's sake. He is taking her mother away from her he might as well be less frightening."

"Was the mother really a witch?"

"Read on."

"Oh... They accused her because she cured her daughter of a sickness. Humans are barbaric besides there are no such thing as witches." Then who are they burning in the town square? Of course Ella and I think that people are stupid to believe in witches, that's only us though. I never go to the executions. I can't bear them. I burst into tears and scream with the woman or young girl getting burned alive. How can the humans be so incredibly cruel?

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