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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Suppose as the storyteller I better mention what happened to the other fallen brother. I cannot tell you about what he had really endured becoming a lone wolf, cutting his bond to his Pack, losing the trust of his family because how can someone explain such a misery, such pain of losing something your very life depended on.

A wolf is nothing without its Pack.

So welcome to the mind of Sam Nightly, a diamond in the rough.



People think they know what it's like to be lonely. However unless you've taken notice of the sound of water droplets falling from leaf to leaf, heard the buzzing of a single bee, really realised that there is no such thing as silence in nature then you have no idea what it is like to be alone.

Wind whistled, birds chirped... Well they did until I trespassed tainting the beautiful morning with my unbearable presence. I have not even transformed into a beast yet but they know, they can sense the predator even in my human form. Naked and hungry I stalked the forest crushing her beauty with a mouth drooling.

I need to eat.

All I have been eating is meat, raw meat with fur attached and sometimes with their eyes just watching me in horror. I no longer look at their faces I learnt how to ignore the crying and pleading. I have realised there is no point in trying to be good any more.

Before I knew it in my hand I held the neck of a dead red doe with her blood dripping from my chin. I lay her body gently into a patch of grass stroking her neck while wishing her luck in the afterlife. I began to pull out flowers from wherever they hid from me and decorated them around her body like I used to at home. I apologised and left her with good wishes before a shadow fell over us attached with a fruity perfume.

"And how long have you been living off raw meat?" A gentleman asked distastefully. I have never met a man so feminine in his looks and behaviour. He had a very disapproving look as he took in my naked dirty form and when he scanned his eyes over the blood on my mouth he pulled out a pearl white hanky. He covered his nose and mouth seeming to be swallowing back vile. "I honestly don't know how you wolves do it. Eat things with faces." The gentleman's eyes reminded me of a cloudy morning, his hair the sun and then there was the expensive long mauve coat with frills at the sleeves and a gold pendant belt. At first glance I thought he was a fairy.

"If you're here for a circus act I will gladly show you the talent I have with my fangs."

"I apologise my good friend." Good friend. "I did not mean to offend your kind. I have strong respect for your species." I averted my gaze away. "I see you are... lost."

"What is it to you?" I questioned angrily.

He leaned forward on his walking stick that had a silver dragon as the handle. The dragon looked like it was glaring at me. Clear accusation. "Just being a Good Samaritan. Besides you are hunting on my property and that is my deer you have ripped apart."

"You have a pet deer?"

"She was no pet. She was a deer friend." He didn't smile but I knew it was him being humorous. "A dear deer friend." When he realised I was not happy nor keen to share a chuckle for a petty joke he frowned. "Well how do you suppose to repay the life you just stole? I can't test spells on something that's dead."

"Find another one."

"Her soul was willing to be tested. Not many creatures like being magically trialled."

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