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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


"You have a superb sense of smell." She whispered excitedly. "Which is very useful so..."

"I'm not going to be your hunting dog Luna." I interrupted amused.

Her brow creased as she grew annoyed. "Why not?"

"Because if the man is doing something evil I'd rather it be me hunting him down not you."

"You think I can't look after myself." She rolled her eyes at this. And she added to the attitude she's performing by crossing her arms over.

I snickered. "I know you can't look after yourself."

"You don't even know me." She threw back outraged.

"I know enough. A girl like you wouldn't be able to handle all of this alone."

"Well lucky I have you to protect me." She surprised me with her reply. Her eyes softened and her lips pouted. "You're a strong, cunning man I have faith in you." She gazed up at me through her lashes. "I've seen you in action! You have saved me countless times..." She felt the material of my shirt between her fingertips.

I know what you are doing. I thought as she parted her lips not even just to speak, just to flirt with her smile.

You are using your feminine ways to get to me.

Unfortunately... It is working.

"And well if I'm honest." She backed away taking her scent with her. "Sam I will do this with you or without you."

"Oh really?" I smirked deviously.



"Put me down!" I demanded slamming fists into his back. "Who do you think you are?" The harmful to the ears shouting of rhetorical questions went on as he brute carried over his shoulder and cleverly so! Because as to not get caught and get other people involving themselves to rescue the damsel in distress he ran over rooftops threatening to drop me and every time he took a leap. "Sam! You ass sniffer put me down right now or you will regret it."

He froze at the end of one roof and for a second I thought he was considering it. "Nope." 

"You will regret this!"

"I believe you said that already."

His hand trailed up from the back of my thighs.

I froze. "Get your hand off it."

"Off what?" He squeezed. My eyes popped out of my head and began hit his back again with clenched fists.

"You perverted dog! Let me go!" He suddenly leaped in the air and I screamed at the lack of warning until we landed on another roof.

"Did you just use the dog card on me. Oh Luna you're breaking my heart."

"I will be breaking your nose in a minute!" I snapped then I started squealing when he leaned back on one leg pretending to fall backwards. He laughed at me. "You're horrible!"

"I'm saving you from yourself Luna." He said humorously. I can just feel him grinning and he's still squeezing my butt!

"No you're saving yourself from me shoving my boot up your..." He suddenly tripped making me squeal in fright. Then he suddenly dropped me to my feet right at the edge of yet another roof so I whimpered and held onto him hopefully piercing my nails into his skin.

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