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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Anxiously I sat for my fabulous friends at my doorstep contemplating on how I should bring up the wolf. Do I bring up a casual conversation then just stab them with the information completely out of the blue? Or am I to be patient? Time the conversation correctly and lead the conversation to be brought down to the topic of Alpha. Or, I tell them from the beginning. Describe the drastic and carelessness of my behaviour and demand they pay attention. I sighed. None of those sound appealing. I rested my head in my hand and stared at the stars feeling the weight of it all, as if I still had Alpha's great paw pressed over my body to stop me from escaping in his sleep. "I need a drink." I muttered rubbing my temples. And women, especially well known ones like myself, aren't meant to go out into the streets alone. Even for a drink. However let me be honest here, no one in their right mind is going to try and jump a pack of women laughing so loudly that once we stop and be silent, the guards of the palace become suspicious.

Only with these girls, these insane sirens, can I ever feel brave and free to act so shamelessly that I have grown an awful reputation among the court but never have I done anything that is whispered. Well, I suppose that would depend on the rumour. I'm neither sinful nor pure and as a human I believe it is impossible to be only one or the other.

Now what if last night I never saw the wolf and it was all just figments of my imagination? What if I'm truly going mad and everything I saw last night wasn't real and today when his voice whispered so wickedly in my head was just another illusion? What if all I saw was what I simply wanted to see?

A hair altering breeze brushed past and I pulled my black cloak around myself hoping it will shield me from the night's cold air. Almost regretting the dress choice at this moment. Blood red is provoking and insinuating sin, which is exactly why I wear it. To be unique, to upset and encourage a darker nature, all act  and reveal their true nature when they assume you're a whore. I added some long black silky gloves that go up to my elbows, the black is not just enhance the illusion. I usually wear gloves to hide the markings of my father's cane. My entire attire is provoking only because I want to know who people really are, not what they act to be behind their money and status. And dressing as the temptress has altered my social groups and who am I now. Which then led to be alone for too long, until of course one day a loud chatter erupted from up my street. And three women looking like gypsies welcomed me with open arms.

I ran across to the gate and stood outside my family's domain. "Marilyn, Satine and Valerie! Why does it sound like you have all been drinking without me?" I shouted excitedly.

"LUNA!" They all screamed equally thrilled to see me. Then ungraciously they ran towards me down the stone made street and I lifted my dress and ran at them. We collided into a bone crushing and eyes popping embrace and I kissed them all on the cheek and then we all had to wipe off the lipstick. Before we ended it all with a laugh of content. I looked to each of them and like every other time that I see them I had to soak them in.

Valerie has long healthy raven black hair which she has tied back letting a fringe curl around her jaw, her fringe covers her forehead and the side of her face, her eyes are a dazzling blue and she has this little beauty spot on the right corner beneath her coated red lips. She looks like a precious doll that any young girl would want to keep forever. Now tonight in the event of my return she's wearing these humungous amethyst earrings to go with the violet dress that exposes her chest and bares her shoulders.

Satine somehow manages to make her natural brown hair pinky red, it's dead straight and sometimes just sits behind her motionless down her back. Her eyes are electric green, there's nothing warm or earthy about them and their thinness in shape always making her look sinister, her whole face is made up of edges and angles and I swear she could stab someone with her chin. Wouldn't matter if she did tonight because the black dress with the frilly collar would mask the bloodstains.

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