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© Claimed By Him 2014 

France 1780

Shivering in fear the giant wolf watched me. Standing like a man however glaring at me through unearthly golden eyes, eyes of a predator out for on his hunt. It was hard to tell from the black shadows of how enormous he was exactly. I couldn't tell if he was large or gigantic for his fur blended in with the darkness. Until full moon seeped it's light through the trees and revealed his dishevelled form. He was massive and vulgar, and yet foolishly I stood my ground keeping my head high even though it only reaches to a wide chest and a vast torso. His legs! How horrible! How weird? His knees are bent backwards and he has small paws supporting him. How does he keep himself up only on his hind legs? I shivered again wanting desperately to run away, only to know he need to just make one leap and then he'll have my head swallowed with one snap of his jaw. 

This is the beast. Right in front of me. He is just as terrifying as grandmother said, as every villager said. I thought about her warning and how I typically ignored it just to catch a glimpse. I only just dropped my knife and there he was. A pair of glowing orbs almost mistaken as fireflies attached to a large beastly creature. The only question there is now, is why hasn't he killed me yet? My eyes flitted over the ground around me to find the knife and suddenly he stepped forward lowering down on his front clawed hands. 

"Don't come near me." I said shakily. "A-and while we're at it. Le-leave my people alone." I gulped clenching and unclenching my hands, my fingers growing stiff in the cold. He stepped forward again and  tilted his head dipping his wet nose into my oak-wood locks. He inhaled and I bit back a squeal trying not to shudder. Trying not to make any kind of sudden movements as his fur brushed up against my face.

'Why haven't you run away?' I jumped knocked my shoulder into his jaw. He didn't even flinch and kept sniffing my hair.

"I didn't come here to only just run away like some child." I responded unable to believe that the monster is talking. "Step away from me." I snapped sounding more stern than before. I am surprisingly staying quite strong even though his hot breath is riding down my neck shaking up my nerves. I have never been in worse situation than this but there has been another time when I was more afraid. Somehow in someway I realised I wasn't too uneasy with the meeting. Until he chuckled gruffly, stepping away with his eyes trailing up and down my body like he was eyeing some pretty delicious flesh for dinner.

'What is a silly little girl like you doing in my woods?'

"I was here long before you were a problem. These were my woods and I have not yet given over my rights to them."

'This is the first I have smelt you.'

"And it was a most disturbing experience. But now that I am back you cannot be here in my forest. I must ask you to leave."

'What makes you think you can stop me from feeding?'

"I know I can't. So I beg of you to please not go anywhere near my village."

'What am I supposed to feed on? Are you sacrificing yourself?' He asked.

"I am too sour." 

He chuckled again. 'I like you .' He purred circling me.

"Should I be flattered?" I asked sarcastically but it was an honest question. I know I shouldn't be but I am. I guess it means I'll live, if I'm pleasing him he wouldn't kill me right? "Wish I could say the same about you but you've already killed so many people. You've tarnished every possible thing that could have made you at least likeable."

'You're like a family down there I presume.' He assumed uninterested.

"What makes you say that?"

'I can't understand why else you would be out here for their protection.'

"I don't have to know people to want to keep them safe from danger. Don't you have one? A family?" I should bloody hope not. To think there could be more of him out there!

'I did.'  He replied with no emotion this time. 

The curiosity swelled. "What happened?"

'No pretty girl, you cannot ask me to stay away from your village and ask about my dead family.'

"I'm sorry."

'Why? Did you kill them?' He froze in front of me. Eye piercing so intensely that I couldn't meet them again so I focused on the ground.

"I'm not the type to harm anyone." I said while he agreed, 'I suppose not,' but I said at the same time. "Unlike yourself." He was quiet for an aching minute. I heard the hoot of an owl, the rustling of the trees and my heart beat hammering in my head. "So what is my fate now?"

'I'll tell you what, if you can keep me entertained tonight I'll let you and your people live for this month.' 

That was not exactly what I expected him to say. "Entertained?" I glared up at him growing furious. "What does that mean?"

'How important are those peasants to you?'

"So-I'm to spend the night with you?"

'I already said I wouldn't eat you so there's nothing to be afraid of.'

"That is no longer my concern." He chuckled again.

'At least you're clever not to trust a male in general. But why you would believe a wolf would pursue a girl I have no idea.'

"You're right that was foolish. I suppose past experience has made me hesitant to the male voice."

'Do tell.' He purred walking away on all fours. I glanced over my shoulder and made my decision. I followed after him and walked stiffly beside him. 'Well?'

"I'd rather not share-where are you taking me?"

'My rape cave.'  He said. I started running away. I ran as fast as my legs could cope only to be met with the wolf again who glared at me angrily. 'It was a joke!' I picked up a stick and held it like a sword.

"I'm not taking any chances!"

He prowled towards me slowly and lightly growling. 'Because of your past experiences?'

"I just came out here to for that village you're terrorising."

'Keep your end of the deal and stroll with me. Help me distract my hunger and the village will be safe.'

I poked his side and he yelped. "How do I know you won't hurt me?" 

He turned on me snarling. 'Let's go.' He pointed his head in the direction he wanted to take us then paced away from me. 'And drop the stick before you hurt yourself.'


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