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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


"Mademoiselle." A sultry masculine voice called out to me. His presence I had felt like a drop from the sky, as if he may have just abruptly appeared out of nowhere. My concern slightly grew despite the power I hold in my claws. It's late. A late night in the city of Versailles... The only man who would come close to me at this time of night is probably a murderer.

I slowly turned remaining statuesque and threatening. "And you are?" I questioned but instantly recognised the misty grey eyes that burned into my eyes. He's a tall, thin, dirty blonde but not so thin that he's unflattering to look at it. Through his white ruffled shirt it was tight enough to define his toned arms. 

The wolf's companion? Maybe I should say friend, companion sounds like he could be his lover.

But what does he want? 

"You dropped this." In his delicate hand possibly a musicians hand held my handkerchief.

"I had it tucked in my sleeve I wonder how I didn't notice it slip out." I said the suspicion obvious but kept a stone cold expression while tucking it back. I avoided skin contact when his fingertips almost grazed mine.

'Marilyn we do not have time for  your toys.' Valerie hissed through our mind connection. 'Send him on his way.'

A dark giggle erupted in our link. 'We'll catch up with you Val... I want to see this.' I can just feel Satine grinning down at me from up on a roof. If he can sense them he won't make it obvious to me. He only moved closer to me to whcih I felt I should be stepping back, not from fear but from other disturbing emotions.

'I don't want to be the only responsible one.' Val suddenly said cheerily and I felt them staring down at me from their relaxed position on the rooftop. 'Who's this one?'

'Peacock.' Satine replied. 'Hey Mari what happened to the other... Who was he again? Uh the one with the goat legs?'

I blushed. 'Shut up Satine.' Every girl makes mistakes and I do not want to dwell on them.

"Have a good evening." He nodded smiling sweetly and turning to strut away into the night.

'Looks like seeing your face without mask turned him off.' Satine sarcastically remarked.

I ignored her and called out to him louder than I meant to. "Is that it? That's your move? I remember you being a little more broad an relentless." He turned around grinning from ear to ear. "But I suppose everyone is different behind a mask."

"So you do recognise me?" 

"I recognise your groping hands and perving expression."

He perked his brow offended. "I am no perve."

"Could have fooled me."

'Come on do something more interesting!' Satine demanded.

'Silence you!' I snapped give a quick second side glance at them. "Will you be at the next big party in the underworld?" I questioned.

He drifted his eyes up at the sky thinking about his answer. "I tend not to go unless there's someone worthwhile being there for."

"I shall you see there."

"That's awhile away. What about the upcoming masquerade?"

"I won't be there... I was not invited." I pouted playfully. I had no real intention of going even just to spite the court.

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