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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


High up on a stone railing up upon the cathedral balcony I took in the view of the entire city sitting next to an ugly gargoyle and appreciating the cool wind on my hot skin. My body is reacting badly to the silver from the three wenches and is burning up quite ferociously. I unbuttoned my shirt and rolled up my sleeves putting all my weight on my hands leaning back while my legs dangled off the edge dangerously. I come up here to think and I think a lot about my dark past but lucky for me I have distraction tonight. I gazed up at the crescent moon and thought about miss brown eyes herself. "Luna."

Why does my brother want you? I'm very interested to know what's so special about this girl that he of all monsters hesitated to kill. And she of all people is not so afraid, what's so special about her?

She's merely human unless he knows something perhaps she's working with him for some twisted plan. I can't believe a girl like that could be an ally of his but I've been tragically wrong before.

He could be plotting a scheme against my Pack but how is an oblivious girl going to be useful to make my life more of a living hell than already? If he has another goal I can not think of it.

Growling erupted from my chest at the thought of him.

I hate him so much.

It might just be easier just to jump off this building now and end my life here. I glanced over my knees down to the bottom, a concrete clearing miles down, it would be a slow death if I'm not killed instantly. No one would miss me anyway... Well I guess Mr Blanchard would. He would probably make tests on my body to bring me back to life like the insensitive prick he is.

Dammit Charles. Have to ruin all my plans.

I snickered at my own thought then leaped forward off the balcony to land on the statue of an angel her head down and hands up praying. "Pardon me madam." From her I jumped onto a pillar sliding down it until I landed on another balcony where a door sits alone. It's a mere wooden thing compared to the great detailed and gothic structure of church which is good because no one pays attention to it and therefore it's always open for me.

I pulled it open and slid through before quietly walking around and taking my pick of the thousands of staircases in this building. I found myself on the second floor where there are rows of seats to look over the bottom floor where there are isles and section where the priests would stand and spread their own tales of a fake God. This kind of religion disgusts me-You're born from sin before you've even learnt to talk you have already sinned just by breathing, you need to get baptised as quickly as possible, have holy communion and keep coming back to church so you don't rot in hell. Does no one else find it a tad eccentric? And you know complete and utter bullshit.

I growled because-stupid people.

I found another staircase leading to the main grand floor with all the aisles however catching the scents of burning wax and lavender as I descended down. Lavender? I paused and sniffed the air to be sure. Yes that's definitely lavender which can only mean one thing.

Miss brown eyes is here.



The door creaked as I pushed it gently open and peeked my head through. I'm surprised it's so empty, I know it's very late but it still seems unnatural to see the place so bare. The last time I came here it was my brother's funeral and such a grand event it was.

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