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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 was nervous. he couldn't possibly know what his fate would be, not when he could turn into a fallen angel if the council and heaven's queens decided that way. the male was praying to not be send to hell, which meant falling.

the angel sat in the middle of a large and circular room, the governors of two kingdoms in front of him in some sort of stand. the third king wasn't present, he probably thought it was useless to attend something he didn't care. soobin's trial.

"do you, choi soobin, admit to violate law number 543 of heaven?" the head of the council, namjoon, spoke.

"y-yes." he couldn't escape, just like he couldn't lie.

"do you, choi soobin, confirm the crime to be based on self defense?"

"yes." the angel gulped, he was for sure going to be send to hell.

"the council, along with your majesties, the queens of heaven, rhea and ann, sentence you to exile, being now prohibited to live in the heaven kingdom." the member of the council seonghwa said, looking at soobin. "the decision against your fall is due to the crime being committed by self defense. not only that, but also due to your still pure intentions and mind."

"the trial is now ended. you, choi soobin, commoner angel, will be exiled immediately." younghoon hit the crystal gavel, finishing the discussion. beside him sat a sixth person, which was odd when the council had only five crystalians, but seeing how he had a small notebook where he would eventually write something down, soobin thought be would soon be a new addition to the group, raising the number of members to six.

the angel couldn't be more relieved, his worst nightmare was falling and losing his wings, he couldn't even imagine how horrible would that be. being exiled wasn't what he wanted, but he gladly accepted it, being the best and luckiest sentence he could be given.

soon, two gargoyles appeared, holding his arms gently and scouting him out of the court and to heaven's borders. soobin was nervous, again, he never went to limbo, so he didn't know how it was or if he would be able to start a life there.

"good luck." the taller gargoyle said, before giving soobin his documents, which now had a symbol indicating he was exiled from heaven, and walked away, leaving the angel alone in a place he didn't know.

the male sighed, looking around, he was sure he was in dimmidius at least, it was a start. there was some people walking, so the angel thought his best possibility was asking one of them how to go to the town. when he saw a ghost, he gently tapped the other's shoulder, a light brown haired man, who looked around his age, turning to him.

"excuse me, can you tell me how to go to town?" before answering, the ghost gave him a small smile, to which soobin politely returned.

"you can just follow this street, it will lead you to adema, if that's the town you want to go." the light brown haired pointed with his slightly translucent fingers a street made of rocks.

"thank you so much, that's exactly where i want to go! i'm soobin." the angel smiled, holding his hand out for the other.

"your welcome, soobin. i'm kai. do you need any more help?" kai shook his hands gently.

"i actually need, do you know a place where i can live or find a job? i'm new here."

"do you like flowers? i work in a garden with some flower fairies, we need more help and i think they would be happy to have you." the ghost smiled and turned around, starting to walk. "come on soobin, i was already going there so i might as well bring you with me."

"oh, okay." soobin was skeptical but followed the other male, ghosts weren't known as liars or evil, so he thought it was okay to trust him for now. he didn't have anywhere to go either way, so it wasn't worse than being on the streets when the night came.

turned out, it was a good decision.


𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now