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𝑩𝒆𝒐𝒎𝒈𝒚𝒖 let out a shaky breath, he was nervous. after weeks of trying, he had finally managed to get taehyun to go on a date with him. the kang taehyun. the long haired didn't even know how he did such thing, he knew he could get any person he wanted but the younger was different. the pretty reaper felt illegal to even look without paying for it, as if he was some masterpiece displayed in the most expensive museum of elyhea. either way, there he was, with his blonde hair and rosy lips, standing in front of the gargoyle.

"hi." the reaper said while blankly staring at him, as if beomgyu was a waste of his time. he wasn't, taehyun genuinely found the male handsome and interesting, but he wouldn't admit it out loud even if in his deathbed.

"you're so pretty." the gargoyle blurted out, not being able to control his thoughts. it was almost impossible when the male looked so ethereal, his blonde hair flowing through the wind and contrasting with his dark clothes.

"t-thank you." taehyun blushed, turning his head to the side in an attempt of hiding the color of his cheeks.

"no need to be shy, we even kissed before." the long haired smirked, enjoying how the serious look on the other's face would turn into a shy expression after being teased.

"t-that's beyond point." the younger cleaned his throat, cursing himself for stuttering. "and shouldn't be mentioned." he adjusted his posture, feeling the soft breeze caressing his face, and ignoring how beautiful the gargoyle looked with the wind blowing his long hair and covering his gentle and prince like features slightly.

"why not?" the taller pouted, stepping closer and looking at the blonde's lips. "i very much enjoyed it."

taehyun closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath, ignoring how he could still feel the gargoyle's soft lips on his. he almost cursed out loud, hating himself for being so affected by the other. putting a hand on beomgyu's chest, he pulled the male away, turning around and starting to walk.

"stop the chitchat before i give up on this date and go home." the older smiled, seeing how elegant taehyun looked even if just walking, as if he was more fitted to being a royal than most people who actually were. "where are we going, either way?"

"it's a surprise." beomgyu smiled gently, walking beside the reaper and admiring his side profile. it was like he spent more time admiring the other than actually living at this point.

"surprises are unpleasant."

"i'm pretty sure you said i was unpleasant in the first times we met, still, we kissed and you agreed into going on a date. so, i will take as you like surprises." the blonde kept his face as blank as possible but couldn't control how his cheeks got extremely red. he felt like dying in embarrassment, cursing on the other for making he feel so. "no smart answer? never thought i would leave you without words." beomgyu smiled playfully, raising his hands to tie his hair in a half ponytail, as strands were frequently covering his eyes with the windy weather and annoying him.

"please, refrain yourself from being flattered. sometimes words must not get wasted in useless statemen-" taehyun turned to the side, feeling the words getting stuck in his throat and his breath hitching. he just found out the gargoyle with tied hair should probably be considered a crime in limbo, or maybe in all elyhea.

the long haired turned to him, confused to why he stopped middle sentence, and taehyun felt his heart skipping a beat. the way beomgyu's dark eyes shined with playfulness and gentleness, how his skin glowed with the sun, his hair tied up and small strands falling from the ponytail, his rosy and pretty lips, his soft features. the reaper hated the male, he hated him because he was starting to like him too much.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now