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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 had already woke up worried, for some reason, the council asked to see him without saying why, and being an exiled person made him hesitant about the meeting. he was sure he didn't do anything wrong, so in fact, that's wasn't anything to worry about, but that didn't make the angel relax a single bit.

"bin, there's no need to worry. i am certain the council only wants to ask a couple of questions, maybe see how you've been doing." kai rubbed his hand on the taller's back gently, trying to comfort him in some way.

"you're right, i know." the angel sighed, looking at the other. "it's just hard to relax when the council have the power of sending me to hell."

"indeed. though, there isn't a reason of doing so."

"yeah." soobin nodded lightly, playing with the lace choker around his neck anxiously. "i'll go, okay? see you later."

the two bit their goodbyes, kai giving the other an encouraging smile. soobin didn't even remember when him and the ghost got so close, he just knew they were best friends at this point and was happy with it, same with kaya. both were the most precious people in his life.

the angel walked as fast as the could through adema, trying to leave the city and dimidius to go to summus. in his head, the faster he went there and talked with the council, the faster he could relax. or maybe not, it would depend on the conversation.

it was his first time in summus, the place had elegant buildings, decorated with multiple crystals and flowers. it was pretty. soobin thought it to be a simple version of heaven, that had way more extravagant and expensive looking things. it was comfortable to walk around, different from dimmidius, there wasn't perverted people staring at him, nor curious ones asking themselves what an angel did to be there.

the council's building was huge, colored in white and black, which would make it quite monotonous if it wasn't for the yellow flowers covering most part of the walls. so it was actually, really beautiful.

soobin was greeted politely by the two gargoyles standing on the side of the front door. the male guessed they already knew why he was there, considering he had to answer some questions before entering the highest part of limbo. it wasn't any person who was allowed to go through summus gates.

the building's inside was almost intimidating, but there was a lot of warm and welcoming people that made the angel relax a bit. he was gently asked which was his appointment and with who, being guided by a crystalian after, who introduced themselves as hoseok. the other dropped soobin in front of a wood door, knocking on it lightly and saying the taller was there before leaving.

"come in, please." soobin did as said, seeing someone from the council there, unfortunately, it wasn't jay. he found it would be easier to deal with the meeting if someone he knew was there, but seemed like he wasn't with luck.

"choi soobin, good morning. please, seat." younghoon pointed a chair in front of him, going back into looking at the papers in his hand after. when the angel was seated, the crystalian looked up at him, a small and gentle smile on his face when seeing how the younger was nervous. "please do not worry. this meeting was called so you can provide more information for your file, we hope for having basic information about our citizens to guarantee their safety in easier methods. either way, no one will be invading your privacy, it's your choice to answer the questions or not."

"good morning." soobin smiled, finally able to relax. "i will be happy to answer the questions."

"splendid. could you tell me the name of your parents? there is a blank space where the said information should be."

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now