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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 looked around, searching for kai. the ghost had asked him to meet next to summus gates, but he was finding hard to spot the male. the angel furrowed his brows, turning to the left and finally seeing kai's translucent skin, he was talking with a blonde male that seemed to have a serious face.

"kai!" soobin called from little afar, slowly walking to the two talking people.

"hello, soobin." the ghost smiled softly, his gentle voice almost caressing soobin's ears. "this is my friend, taehyun. tae, this is soobin." kai moved his hands gently through the air, pointing them to the respective males.

"hi." the blonde male looked at him and gave a single nod, making soobin able to see his face properly, that was slightly covered by a hood with only some strands of hair out. the angel stared at him, admiring his sharp features and shiny eyes.

"you're really pretty." soobin smiled gently, showing his dimples, and taehyun blinked, feeling his cheeks getting warmer with the compliment.

"thank you." the shortest turned back to kai, nodding slightly. "i should go, i still have a lot of work because the gargoyle boy is wasting my time. i will talk with you later, kai. it was nice to meet you, soobin." taehyun sighed and nodded to the angel too, before disappearing in the shadows. reapers had a really practical ability and he liked to make use of it.

"he's been complaining to me a lot recently." kai started calmly, turning to the taller and signaling for them to walk. "apparently there's a gargoyle that got enchanted by taehyun and is trying to win his heart." the ghost giggled softly and turned to the older, who stared at him with a curious expression. "taehyun's a really committed person, to his work, that is. i wish good luck to the boy."

"if he's complaining that much, the gargoyle for sure is in his mind a lot." soobin ran a hand through his left wing, feeling the soft feathers. it was an habit he got since he was a kid, and maybe part of the reason why his wings were his favorite thing about himself.

"you're right." the younger nodded, a small smile on his face. "let's drink a cup of tea, i know this pla-"

"kai!" soobin looked to where the voice came, seeing another reaper coming to them. she had long dark hair and intense eyes, with a black corset around her waist and the sharp scythe on her hand. the girl smiled, showing her teeth. "you look so pretty today! i was like just walking around when i saw you and i literally had to take a breath, because holy shit!" she turned to soobin, furrowing her brows. "wait, who the fuck are you?"

"hello, eha." the ghost answered shyly, avoiding eye contact with the other. "this is soobin, a friend."

"hi, nice to meet you." he smiled, offering a hand, to which eha looked for some seconds before actually shaking.

"whatever, i guess." the girl shrugged, turning back to kai. "let's go on a date."

soobin widened his eyes, hiding his laugh behind his hands when looking at kai's red face, he had never seen the ghost so shy. he didn't know who the girl was, but she clearly was interested in kai, and he wasn't about to ruin the ghost's possible love life.

"you should go."

"exactly, you can see each other later." eha looked expectantly at the ghost, waiting for an answer. soobin decided to convince him more, so he used his angel ability and mind talked with kai.

'you should go, she's really pretty and seems to like you.'

the younger looked at him while his cheeks got redder. he didn't even know if he would be able to talk after such straightforward invitation, that made his calm and collected usual behavior disappear. the ghost cleaned his throat, taking a deep breath.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now