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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈violence, death, blood•°


𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 put a hand on the person's mouth, shutting them up before breaking their neck. he looked around, trying to see if there was another one of his father's spies or if the now dead demon was the only one. the forest dark trees made the atmosphere even more eery as the night sky almost blended with their dark leaves.

the red haired narrowed his eyes, his black irises running through the endless darkness while his ears tried to catch any glimpse of strange noises. it seemed to be all silent, way more as tenebris forest didn't have any animals living in it, but the demon still managed to hear the quiet crunch of a dead leaf being stepped on, making him turn around and disappear behind a tree.

it was a blood fairy this time. their transparent and crimson wings fitting the scenery like it was made to be there. the person seemed to look around carefully, being as quiet as possible and holding a knife in their hand. yeonjun found it intriguing, maybe even amusing, how the poor being was sure to be well hidden and alert. it was a shame they actually weren't, as the royal's eyes followed their movements.

"are you here for me?" yeonjun smirked, whispering in their ear but vanishing too fast for the fairy to see him when turning around.

the red winged person didn't answer, trying their hardest to catch where the royal was hidden, but only seeing the surrounding darkness. yeonjun chuckled lowly, he could lie, probably would to others and even himself, but he liked the position way too much, the fact that he had someone's life in his hands. so much he could even play with them, enjoying the fear in their eyes and worry in their features.

it wasn't a secret the male was losing himself inside his own mind. yeonjun was a good person, most partly that is, but there was some things, some habits and pleasures, that were too alike to his father, too dangerous, too likely to turn him into someone who he avoided all his life to be. it seemed like the constant attacks of the king's men, added to the hate for his father, the want and like for power and the annoyance of not having found soobin after a week, were managing to get him on edge, and someone like yeonjun shouldn't be brought to edge. the male could even hear it, faintly and tempting.

kill everyone and get your throne.

he wouldn't, not yet, at least. yeonjun hid during eleven years, waited for the same amount of time, so he couldn't act carelessly and take the risk of not winning. he was way smarter than that.

"your little friend is right behind you." the red haired whispered again, seeing the other turning around quickly and letting out a yelp after finding the demon yeonjun had killed minutes before, laying limp on the ground, their eyes open and lifeless.

"show yourself!" the fairy raised their trembling hands, pointing the sharp blade to nothing.

"i'm here."

the spy turned to the side, where the voice had came from, but was welcome by emptiness. they started to tremble harder, regretting obeying the king's orders and attempting to kill the disinherited prince. who knew a powerless demon could be so scary.

"i said here." yeonjun spoke, grabbing the fairy wings, where they came out from their back, and hearing them screaming in pain. fairy wings were way too fragile and thin, almost as if a delicate veil was held between it's small bones, waiting to get torn apart.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now