°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏❁•°

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 walked through limbo feeling extremely annoyed, his bicolored wings weighting on his back as he ran a hand through his hair. he had another one of his weird visions, that seemed to be more frequent now, earlier and it was nowhere near a pleasant one. the demon had the privilege of seeing his father torturing his sister to try and get information out of her, and the fact he couldn't just invade hell and get ruby out of there pissed him off more than the scene itself.

the red haired tried to calm down as much as he could while going to heaven, not wanting to let his eyes turn red or worse, impulsively use his powers. since he threw the last glass of potion away along with the idea of going against his abilities, the male had been putting as much time as he could into training himself and let's just say, it was absolutely worth it. yeonjun got the chance of discovering a lot of other things he could do and get better in the ones he had already knowledge of.

the only bad thing was that he couldn't put much into action, and it made him basically crave for it now. he could see over and over again himself putting people who looked down or with disgust to him in their places, the already familiar scene of people begging for forgiveness engraved on his mind along with the wish of making it all real. it was hard to control himself now that he had more power.

yeonjun walked through the castle halls, not even caring if there was guards or other workers walking around when they couldn't see him either way. learning more things made visiting soobin even more pathetic for the royal family, and ridiculously easy for him. he knew the angel wasn't inside his room because it was close to dinner time, so the demon just stepped in and placed the letter with location and time on top of the desk before leaving.

the red haired went to the usual hidden garden, laying himself on the stone bench while looking to heaven's night sky. he couldn't lie, it was way prettier than hell's, but for some reason the cold and intense darkness that appeared every time the sun sat in his homeland was more of his liking, it was like staring at nothing and everything at the same time. maybe the thought was due to the countless nights of him staying awake looking at the sky when younger, sometimes with his mother beside him.

yeonjun sighed, he wasn't fond of thinking about his mother, it brought too many emotions to him, emotions he wasn't ready to deal with, and maybe would never be. either way, his heart always felt warm and his lips always curved into a smile when remembering the woman, her long red hair and black eyes that contrasted incredibly with how gentle and sweet her smile was.

the truth was, part of his decision of finally taking the throne was his mother. the little time he spent with the woman always managed to make his day when he was a kid, thinking maybe being part of his family wasn't that bad. she was probably the only reason he wasn't fully like his father, and the best queen he ever knew, and so, yeonjun knew he had to do it for her. and he would do it as choi daniel, not kim yeonjun, he would engrave his mother's surname in the royal genealogical tree and make the kims burn.

he would make his father burn like the man did with his mother's soul, and seokjin would go with it.

the red haired got up, realizing he was waiting for more than necessary, and decided to go check soobin in his room. he wasn't taking seriously when the taller said next time he would throw the letter away, but apparently he would. yeonjun wouldn't he surprised if he did it only to annoy him, as the male could be a brat sometimes.

the demon rolled his eyes, thinking he would have to walk through the multiple corridors again until reaching his boyfriend's room, but realized he didn't have to at all. yeonjun just left the small garden and put his wings into use, dropping himself on the younger's balcony easily, but not forgetting to make himself not visible to others before.

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