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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 pouted while looking at the baby blue colored walls of his new room. it was beautiful, with the big bed and silver touch in the decorations, the walls even matched his current nail polish, but it was still weird, living in a place so extravagant, and clearly expensive. don't get him wrong, it was amazing to be in a place so comfortable and pretty, with probably the best food he ever ate and kind people, but it was hard to get used to it.

the angel had lived in the orphanage all his life, where even if well taken care of, was still simple, and after getting exiled, he lived with kai and the flower fairies, in a cozy cottage. the change was way too extreme. though, he couldn't complain, everyone had been gentle with him, queen ann even invited him for tea the other day, and he knew he was there because it was needed.

soobin bit his lip, annoyed. everything was going great, he was safe and kai visited him some times, but he was extremely mad at daniel. the male understood the king was looking for him after seeing him with the demon, that's what the ghost explained to him as a reason to hide, but that didn't mean yeonjun could disappear and not even try to contact him.

of course, the angel didn't know even a grasp of what was really happening, nor that kai hid him from the royal demon, which led him to get annoyed. he couldn't know such things if no one wanted to tell him, and there were things commoners didn't know of, like yeonjun being absolutely forbidden of stepping inside heaven. he wouldn't he mad at him if he knew.

the male stopped looking at his baby blue nails when someone knocked on the door softly. soobin checked himself in the mirror quickly to see if he was presentable enough to be in the same room as a royal angel. turns out he was, it wasn't hard to be pretty when looking like him. he had a soft and oversized pastel blue sweater tucked inside his favorite white skirt, white high socks and sneakers on his feet. he almost regretted not putting makeup on, knowing it would look even more pretty with the outfit, but knew he was too stressed to do so without having a mental breakdown if one eye didn't turn out identical to the other.

soobin brushed his black hair softly, taking some strand off his face and walked to the door, slowly opening it and staring at the ethereal queen in front of him.

"oh, your majesty! can i help you with anything?" he widened his eyes, not expecting such visitor, way more when it was the older queen, who somehow seemed way more stern and intimidating than ann. "oh! do you want to come in?"

soobin almost closed his eyes in embarrassment, having had such reaction when the woman appeared and almost letting her stand in the hallway.

"hello, soobin." rhea gave him a small smile, patting his arm as to say it was okay. "we are about to have tea. i would like you to join, if you want, that is."

"yes, of course." the male nodded softly, still not sure if he should eat in the same table and room as the royal family after a week of doing so.

the queen nodded, stepping aside so he could leave the room and walking alongside with him. soobin looked around, amazed by the castle every time he would walk through it, the hallway of his room was probably one of his favorites, as at some point the walls would open and be held by columns in an arch shape, turning the previously closed hallway in a type of bridge to the other side of the castle, flowers and plants falling from the outside and to the opening and making it appear like a garden.

the garden, that was soobin's favorite part. the place always reminded him of the cottage and flower shop he lived and worked on, bringing him some sort of comfort.

"how you've been doing? i take as a hard thing to suddenly move here, you must not have get used yet." the woman's soothing voice reached his ears like a caress, it was weird how yeonjun felt completely different from other royals. the queens, princes and princess looked, sounded and acted like ethereal beings, always kind and elegant. daniel felt like hell himself.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now