°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • blood, torture, gore, mention of abusive relationship•°


𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 sat on the floor, legs stretched in front of him while his back was leaned on the bed. he was locked there for a couple of days already, maybe three, and the fact hyukjun didn't show up again after their first talk made the angel uneasy.

"why are you frowning?" the deep and smooth voice said calmly. soobin turned to taehyung, who had a plate with food on his hands.

"hyukjun didn't talk to me again after the first day, that's more worrying than calming if you ask me." the demon nodded, putting the plate on the floor and sliding it through the barrier, simple objects and other species could easily pass through it. of course though, he wasn't allowed to give soobin anything that could be used as an weapon.

"if i were you, i would be glad by it." the angel only hummed, picking a piece of apple and staring at it. at least he was being fed while captive.

"how's jungkook?" the younger wanted to ask about daniel, in reality, but he knew it was better not to, any little thing taehyung said wrong could activate his curse and cause his death.

"fine." soobin hummed, he got used with the short remarks. the demon didn't seem to like talking a lot, but the angel didn't know if was just that or the fact he got used into staying quiet after the royal family started to own his soul.

the taller ate the rest of his food in silence, he had a ton of things he wanted to ask, but never actually did it. the truth was, he missed yeonjun more than anything, and staying days without a single word saying what he was doing or if he was fine made the male upset. then again, there wasn't much to do about it, only wait.

he knew yeonjun would come. he promise to always do it.

"how's ruby?" the question took a sigh out of the older male, who waited patiently for the other to finish his food.

"locked up. hopefully, fine."

"you don't know how she is?" taehyung shook his head, crossing his arms while leaned on the wall. he closed his eyes, some of the black and wavy strands of his hair falling on them.

"didn't see her after she came to see you." the taller widened his eyes, worried. that was three days ago, which meant she was probably getting tortured since then.

"what if sh-" soobin shut his mouth as soon as the door started to open, sliding the plate out of the barrier before staring at hyukjun. seems like the angel's mouth should've stayed quiet and without mentioning the king.

"taehyung. out." the demon only took the plate and left, giving soobin a look that seemed to say sorry. the angel didn't like the look at all.

"it's been a while." the king stared at the younger, who's face already looked afraid. the angel pressed himself more on the bed, trying to make it look like he wanted a bigger distance between the two, and hugged his knees. hyukjun humphed, tilting his head slightly. "tell me, how did you met yeonjun?"

"i-i don't k-know, i was j-just walking around l-limbo."

"of course you were. though it's odd, what was an angel doing in such place?" soobin furrowed his brows, not really liking the way the conversation was going. he kept quiet.

"i wonder if you really like yeonjun, he must like you a lot to hide you in the heaven's castle. do you?"

"y-yes." the angel nodded his head, hiding his face behind his knees while still hugging himself, he was making sure to look as pathetic as possible. hyukjun smirked and soobin suddenly felt a shiver run down his spine, his heart beating fast in anxiety.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now