°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓❁•°

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 walked calmly through tenebris forest, enjoying the crunching sound of leaves getting stepped on. it was afternoon, the sun getting ready to set and painting the dark landscape in orange and yellow, making the forest not seem as scary and eery.

the demon was walking for a while already, crossing the whole forest and waiting to reach the more mountainous part of limbo. he could've flied, but he liked the feeling of walking alone through the woods too much to pass it, and he wasn't in a hurry. his plan of getting soobin back was going smoothly and his allies seemed to be doing their part. yes, allies.

he blackmailed the council into helping him too. it wasn't hard when he had proof capable of dissolving the whole council and making them lose their power.

yeonjun stopped before the river, looking around the big rocks that formed almost a cliff. he crossed the water, slowly following the wall of rocks until finding a small entry to a cave. the demon stepped inside, hearing his footsteps echoing through the empty cave until finding a small door, with two little candles hanged on the wall beside it. he knocked.

it didn't take a minute for it to be opened, no one on the other side who could've opened it. yeonjun walked in and closed the door, looking around the small and odd house inside the cavern. it had multiple objects and lights he wasn't used to, with a big and slightly circular opening in the middle, allowing plants and the small amount of still present sunlight to get in. it was pretty.

"i was waiting for you." the demon turned to the side, seeing a man sat on a table while mixing his tea. he had grey hair, black eyes, plump lips and small hands, his face adorned with three small crystals between his cheekbone and temple on each side. "sit."

"i didn't expect you to know i was coming." the crystalian chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. yeonjun sat in front of him, staring at his eyes.

"you needed answers, choi daniel, so you came to find them, like most people who search for me. though i must say, i cannot offer answers, only possibilities." the male stretched his hand, smiling at the other. "lee taemin. a pleasure to finally see you in person."

"you already know my name." the demon shook the other's hand, resting his back on the chair after. "it was hard to find you."

"i'm impressed you still did." taemin took another sip of his tea, hearing the younger hum as an answer. he rested both of his hands on his knee, his legs crossed while he looked at yeonjun. "go ahead."

"how can i be sure the information shared won't be leaked?"

"you must have heard the... rumors, if i might refer as that, about my person. so i take as you heard no one knows where i live or if i am indeed real. if such things are said, it is definitely not due to me spreading information about my acquaintances around. i have no reason of leaking someone else's business, that is, unless someone asks about it. though i don't think anyone knows you came here, therefore there is no possibility of such happening."

"what makes you the most powerful crystalian, so much you are referred as a legend by some?" the red haired waited patiently for the answer. he knew about taemin, but that was it, his name and the fact he was powerful and knew about a lot of things. he needed confirmation that the answers he could get would be true.

"difficult question, there is a lot of things. though, i must say the main one would be my crystal, i am the only crystalian of the tempus crystal. so time, daniel, i can manage time." taemin grabbed a small hourglass from the shelf beside him, turning it around and watching the almost transparent sand fall. "however, i can only manage the sand falling right now, i'm not able to interfere in the grains already fallen or the ones bonded to fall, even if i can still see them."

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