°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒏❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • blood, violence, gore•°


𝑻𝒉𝒆 red haired ran his eyes through his homeland, the distorted and dark trees, the black river, the grey and desert land and the mountains occurring big part of it. he missed it, and stepping on that place, being there, felt like finally being in his right place, where he belonged to. hell would always be his home in the end, him as a royal family member or not.

the sharp and cold wind hit his face, somehow making his mind clearer and eyes more focused. rhea was beside him, giving the last orders to her soldiers before the invasion. everything was settle for it to start, taehyung was warned that they would come earlier and beomgyu was in the main spot to get soobin. the demon king obviously already knew about the attack, it was hard not to when his land was taken by enemy troops from afar.

"daniel." the said male looked to the side, exchanging glances with the angel queen. he nodded, making clear it should start, and the woman nodded back, averting her eyes to her soldiers.

rhea gave the first order, her warriors starting to march towards the castle. yeonjun was in the front, first in the line of everyone, making a clear statement to hell, it's civilians and his father.

he would take the throne.

it didn't take long for the hell troops to appear and the war to start, the first attack to begin the battle coming from the red haired. yeonjun didn't have swords or weapons on hands, just him and his armor, the male stared coldly to the enemies coming in their direction and raised his hand lazily. the whole first line was put on their knees, choking for air desperately and slowly getting suffocated.

yeonjun smirked, not because he started the war, but because he could finally use his powers without restrictions, because he raised his hand and killed at least fifty people, because killing, hurting, threatening, taking and stealing was easy to him, because right in that point in elyhea's history it wasn't just a war that started. the demon had started his own reign, his era, he had signed in books and stories his own name as the most powerful demon who ever existed, the most powerful person alive. that lazy raise of his hand, had clarified who he was.

the chaos started.

the red haired was painted in blood from multiple sides, the whole scene looked as beautiful as ever. angels fought demons in mid air, their wings supporting themselves and coloring the sky in black and white. gargoyles armors shined against the sunlight, their swords cutting the enemies bodies and dripping in crimson after. yeonjun was walking in the middle, his red hair matching the blood splashed on his face and his eyes.

the demon grabbed a blood fairy by their neck, smirking and licking his lips in satisfaction when staring directly at the fear in their eyes. he closed his hand every second more, the person moving themselves desperately to try and make him let go, or be able to put their feet on the ground, as yeonjun had raised them. the fairy turned red, gasping for oxygen they couldn't have, and the male got tired of waiting, closing his hand on their throat and feeling his fingers pressing over their skin.

the fairy fell limping on the ground, the mark of a hand perfectly displayed where yeonjun held their neck. the male wasn't fazed when another person came to attack him from behind, only opening one of his wings and morphing his feathers into crystal, turning his head to the side so he could see the other and slashing their throat with the sharp feathers, the floor getting painted in blood and their body falling on it.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now