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𝑻𝒉𝒆 red haired sighed, annoyed. it was his monthly meeting with the council, where the members would decide if he was positively affecting limbo, having a royal demon in the area was dangerous after all, the demon having abilities or not.

"we received a report informing that you attacked, or fought with, another person, daniel." seungmin said, while looking at the paper in his hands. normally him or seonghwa were the ones who had the meetings with yeonjun. "which is quite unacceptable since last month we got three of the same reports, care to explain?"

"i was annoyed." yeonjun shrugged, a smirk on his face. seungmin took a deep breath, disappointed and tired.

"you can't keep doing this, daniel. people are getting more scared each day and we can't accept having our citizens living in fear." the crystalian closed the fold he had, full of reports, and looked at the red haired. "our main goal is allowing the population to live in peace, independently of their species, and you are taking that peace away."

"living in fear?" the red haired chuckled. "it's easy to say that when you never lived in hell." yeonjun scoffed, staring coldly at the other. "i'm sorry for fucking up your peace or whatever, but you promised me asylum and protection. i signed a term, you all signed a term, don't come to me like i did it alone."

"you had eleven years, daniel. we couldn't possibly predict the current situation."

"doesn't matter, you still signed it. people here come to fight and annoy me, them and not me. i don't simply go fighting people around. i was exiled by my own fucking blood, do you think i want to ruin the only place where i can have a home?!" the male got up from his seat, getting angry. "i fucking work, i pay my bills and buy my necessities, i don't own you anything, and yet you blame me for people who try to fight me in the streets only to proof they're better than a royal. it's fucking ridiculous, you sit in this fucking chair like you were the incarnation of justice itself but turn your back to my rights in the first chance you get. talk about a fair council!"

"daniel, please calm down." seungmin asked calmly, raising his hand slightly.

"calm down?! i have this fucking meeting every month like i was some sort of psychopath who needs to be controlled!" yeonjun felt his hand burning, head aching and the metallic taste on his tongue. he coughed, blood dirtying his hand and making him wide his eyes. "fuck." he whispered to himself, his veins burning like if he had used heroin. "i have to go." yeonjun said and left the room without sparing a glance to the crystalian, going straight to the bathroom, where he locked himself.

the red haired screamed, feeling like his head would crack open. he supported himself on the sink, raising his head up and looking at the mirror, his eyes were turning from black to red. yeonjun let out another scream, coughing blood after, and reached for his pocket, taking a small glass from it, which had a dark brown colored liquid.

the male didn't wait a second to drink the liquid at once, feeling the pain going away little by little, along with the taste of blood and the burning. he sighed, knowing he shouldn't be doing that, but had to. yeonjun raised his head again, staring at his usual black eyes, then closing them in relief. suddenly, frantic knocking on the door could be heard.

"dan? fuck, are you there?" the red haired turned to the side, opening the door and coming face to face with his best friend.

"you should be working, beomgyu." the older went back to the sink, washing his bloody hands.

"the council called me, they said you left the meeting before it ended." the long haired looked at his friend, seeing the blood and sighing. "daniel, why do you keep drinking that shit, it's clearly fucking you up."

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now