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𝑲𝒂𝒊 had been feeling uneasy for a while now, he was sure something would happen soon. reason why he started to think about multiple things and how to solve them. the ghost nodded his head in a greeting way to the gargoyles beside the big and decorated gates, walking inside the place while being accompanied by an angel, who guided him to where he had to go.

heaven was always a beautiful place, full of plants and flowers, extravagant looking buildings and crystalline rivers, but nothing of it was compared to the castle's beauty. kai always got mesmerized by the white and silver walls, covered in blue flowers that went from the bottom to the top of the external bricks. it was incredibly beautiful, clean and welcoming, just like it's residents.

"kai! it's been so long since your last visit! yunho missed you the most, i could barely go a day without him asking about you." the queen, walked to him as soon as he stepped inside the entry hall, spreading her arms apart and hugging the ghost. "come, come! rhea and the kids are waiting already."

it wasn't necessary much to realize kai had a huge list of connections and friends, so much even the royal family of heaven was included in it. after yeonjun called him telling hyukjun was after soobin, he realized he should ask for someone's help and it was a pleasurable coincidence the queens had invited him for a visit.

the queen ann linked her arms with the male's, her gentle and warm aura being friendly as always. she had long and black hair, pale skin and hazel eyes, with small freckles on her cheeks and pinkish lips. her crown stood proudly on top of her head, it's small crystals and silver leaves glowing with the sunlight just as much as her white wings, making both appear even more beautiful than they already were.

"don't worry, we'll talk privately later so you can tell me what's been happening in your life, but for now, let's have lunch with the kids." ann smiled to him, opening the dining room's door and guiding him inside. "love, kai arrived!"

the other queen looked up, taking her silver and delicate pair of glasses off while putting a couple of documents down. she nodded while smiling, slowly getting up from her seat and hugging the ghost.

"i'm glad you could come." her soothing voice spoke calmly, dark grey eyes staring at the ghost softly. kai smiled back, taking in the ethereal beauty the woman had, her dark chocolate skin glowed under the light and contrasted with her white hair, that was tied up in complicated looking braids and adorned by multiple silver pins along, of course, the crown. rhea was way more calm than the other queen, a warrior who fought beside other angels in the last war that happened years back, said event being the reason why one of her wings was mechanical. she had one of the wings cut off by a demon who wanted it's immortality, fortunately able to kill the person before the second one got taken too.

"of course, your majesty." the ghost stepped a little away, turning to the table and smiling to the other three angels seaten.

"kai!" yunho, the youngest prince got up in a jump, hugging the ghost close. "i missed you!"

"i missed you too, yun." the male hugged the other back, patting his back softly, before pulling away and walking to the others. he bent down slightly, kissing both angels cheeks before greeting them. "prince jungkook. princess dahyun. i missed both too."

"glad to see you back." the oldest, jungkook, said softly, showing his bunny smile that looked identical to his mother's, ann. "hopefully you will be able to put some sense inside yuyu's head."

"hey! i didn't do anything!"

"you're dating a fallen angel, yunho." dahyun giggled, shamelessly exposing her younger brother.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now