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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 hugged himself with his wings, snuggling on the soft feathers and finally being able to stop shivering from cold. the demon beside him was with clothes just as light as his, but they didn't seem to affect the male at all. the angel stopped, turning to the red haired when realizing where they were.

"we're already in the market, weren't you going to just drop me here?" he asked softly, trying to get rid of the images of the demon's lips on his.

"yeah, but it got too dark after we got busy earlier." the red haired smirked, running a hand through his hair. "so i will just drop you home."

"i don't want you near my house." the angel scoffed, looking to the side to not show how his cheeks were warm. he was so focused on that, he didn't realized yeonjun got closer, that is, until the male whispered in his ear.

"why? are you afraid you might invite me inside for more?"

"i- what- no! it's nothing like that!" soobin widened his eyes, giving up on covering his face when it was even redder now. he stretched his hands out in a defensive manner, unwrapping his wings from his body and shaking his head lightly. the older let out a loud laugh, amused by the angel's reaction.

"you're so cute."

"i- no i'm not!" the younger pouted, turning around and going back into walking. "just shut up and come."

"you look hot when you're sassy." yeonjun smiled before biting his lips, again checking the other out. it wasn't his fault, the skirt was doing things with him.

"you look hot when you're with your mouth closed." soobin turned for a second and sent him a glare, tsking after. the red haired jogged a little, trying to catch up with the taller's fast pace, and put a hand on his waist, pulling him closer.

"you can always shut my mouth for me." the angel looked at him annoyingly, but broke in giggles when seeing the other's face. he pushed yeonjun away, liking his hands on his waist a little too much.


the demon laughed once again, and the two kept with the walking in silence after. soobin would eventually send glances to the older, one time finding him too handsome and next time curious about his wings. he wanted to ask about it, but they weren't close yet and it wasn't his business.

"we're here." the younger stopped in front of a pretty cottage, some flowers wrapped on the walls and others coloring the garden.

"get inside." yeonjun gave a single nod in the door's direction, staring at the other's eyes after. "i will wait for it."

"i-" soobin hesitated, he didn't really want to leave, liking the demon's company.

"want a goodbye?" the red haired wrapped his arm around the other's waist and pulled him closer, making their lips almost touch. "goodnight, darling." he smirked, caressing the male's waist while ghosting their lips.

"goodnight, daniel." soobin said almost in a whisper, too focused in the older's intense eyes.

the demon smirked and stepped back, lightly pushing soobin in the house's direction, who hesitantly walked away. the angel looked back one last time before putting his hand on the doorknob, but someone else beat him into opening the door.

"binnie!" the blue haired fairy had furrowed brows, ready to ask why he went home so late when he usually didn't do so, but stopped when seeing the demon a couple of meters away. "oh my! i just brought jay to see you and the others but i wasn't expecting this type of tea! get inside and tell me everything!" she squealed and pulled the angel's arm, shoving him inside the house and sending a wave to the demon before going inside too.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now