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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 decided to wake the angel up after an hour of him sleeping, the male was all dirty and sticky and he wasn't about to just let soobin stay like that. the demon ran his fingers softly through the white wings, hearing the younger whine in his sleep. it wasn't about him, and he would never say it aloud, but he wasn't ready to stop seeing the soft feathers adorning soobin's body.

the demon wasn't ready to lose the thing he grew obsessed with, even if knowing there was nothing he could do.

"darling." the red haired whispered softly, keeping the caress on the other's wings. soobin hummed quietly, burying his face deeper on the older's neck. "let's clean you up, you can sleep more after."

the taller opened his eyes slowly, blinking a little and pulling away from the other, staring at his face that was bathed with the moonlight. he furrowed his brows, not seeing the crimson irises looking back at him.

"your eyes are black again." soobin raised his hand, running his fingers gently on the male's face.

"i know." the demon stared back at him, smiling softly before tightening his hold on the younger's waist. he got up, pulling soobin with him, who wrapped his legs around his waist and let himself get carried, not minding the sticky liquid running down his thighs.

yeonjun sat him on the bathroom's counter and heard the male hiss, pulling away to turn the bathtub on and coming back to stand between the black haired's legs. he ran a hand through the male's neck and shoulder, seeing the bite marks on his skin.

"is it hurting?"

"a little. my ass hurts way more." soobin giggled, throwing his head on the demon's shoulders and hearing the soft sound of water. the red haired chuckled with the comment, caressing the other's nape before running his hand on the bite marks again, all starting to heal instantly. the angel pulled away, furrowing his brows when not feeling the places sore anymore. "what did you do?"

"healed it." yeonjun shrugged, tucking a strand of hair behind the other's ear.

"how? i thought you didn't have powers." the taller tilted his head, confused. it didn't make sense for the demon to get disinherited if he actually had royal abilities.

"how do you think i managed to break inside the castle just to see you, darling? for sure wasn't asking the queens." soobin blushed slightly, feeling a couple of butterflies inside his stomach when the male said he did all that just to see him. "i can do a couple of things." the demon shrugged again, dropping the topic after. "how are you feeling?"

"okay." the angel wrapped his arms around the older's shoulders, pulling him close and making their noses touch.

"are you sure?" the red haired furrowed his brows, gently caressing the male's waist.

"yes." soobin nodded, looking down for a second before back to the other. "i will just miss my wings, even if it was worth it."

"i'm sorry."

"don't be, dan. i chose this, okay? it's not your fault." the angel smiled, pecking the red haired's lips softly, then doing it again after.

yeonjun put a hand on the male's cheek, caressing it while kissing him back. he knew it wasn't his fault, but he somehow still felt responsible for it, and the sad look on the younger's eyes made him almost regret everything. almost, because he still didn't regret a thing.

he looked at soobin, pulling away and picking the male up, just to sit him inside the already filled bathtub after, turning the faucet off. the red haired then sat in front of the other, feeling soobin wrap lazily his legs around his waist and come closer. the angel stared at him, raising his hand to touch the red crystal earring hanging on the older's ear. he found it pretty, and the color reminded him of yeonjun's red eyes.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now