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°•𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈this chapter contains smut scenes. feel free to skip it if you're not comfortable, there's nothing relevant to the plot•°

°•𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 • ass eating, spitting, agoraphilia*•°

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*agoraphilia • arousal for having sex in public and/or open spaces

keep in mind this is a basic and short explanation of the said kink/fetish/sexual act and so, please google it if you want to know more information

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 smirked. he was totally expecting the angel to give in, it would be hard not to when soobin looked at him almost if begging to get fucked. either way, the three letters sounded pleasant to hear, and the demon wished to hear them again when asking for the second time to pierce his fangs on the younger's neck. he wasn't sure if the answer would be yes though, so keeping the question to himself seemed a better idea for now.

the red haired cut the distance between them, connecting their lips together and finally tasting the raspberries. soobin closed his eyes, raising his arms and wrapping them around the older's shoulders, slightly brushing his fingers on the demon's wings when doing so and gasping in surprise, the feathers were sharp and steady, like if from a crow, and completely different from his soft ones. yeonjun took advantage of the other's gasp and slid his tongue inside the male's mouth, not really minding the touch on his wings.

the angel sighed in content, the pleasurable feeling of fangs against his tongue making his body feel hot. it was intriguing how everything about the demon was sharp, his eyes, his features, his fangs and his feathers; as if he was the perfect and complete opposite of soobin. the angel would probably feel butterflies when thinking so if he actually believed in soulmates, but he didn't, so there was no butterflies.

soobin moaned when the demon pulled him close and grabbed his ass, his body acting before his mind and instantly rolling his hips on the other's. yeonjun broke the kiss, sucking a way down to the taller's neck, where he nipped the skin, and hearing the male sigh in content. the red haired raised his head when satisfied with the number of red and purple marks, staring at soobin with crimson colored eyes and pulling the male on the bench made of stone resting on the side of the garden. the angel bit his now swollen lips, seeing the older kneeling in front of the seat.

yeonjun grabbed the angel's left leg, raising it by the ankle and putting on his shoulder. he ran his fingers through the soft skin, from the ankle to the male's thigh, before starting to kiss his leg, all while not breaking eye contact. soobin felt his cheeks burning, seeing the demon in that position was alluring, and his intense stare made the angel burn. the younger let out small moans, feeling the red haired brushing his fangs on his knees and sucking on the skin after, going higher each time.

"d-daniel-" the angel tried to say, but choked on a moan when yeonjun bit his inner thigh a little to hard, fangs almost sinking on the flesh. soobin blushed with the thought of actually feeling the sharp teeth fully pierced, considering for a moment if asking to get bitten was too much, but forgetting about it when the older did it again.

soobin threw his head back, closing his eyes and moaning while holding himself on his arms that rested on the bench edge. the demon pulled away, squeezing the male's thigh harshly.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now