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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈parental violence•°


𝑹𝒖𝒃𝒚 paced around the room, cursing multiple times. everything was going in the worst way possible, with hyukjun discovering things he shouldn't ever know. beside her, on the floor, laid one of her father's men, dead. she was stressed after hearing the conversation between the king and her brother, daniel obviously being the topic, and exploded as soon as the man came to lock her up, again.

kalila looked at the girl curiously, it looked like the snake was trying to discover the reason of such restless behavior but wasn't able of doing so. ruby grabbed the first thing she saw, a vase, and threw it on the wall, pieces of it spreading on the floor when the object hit the wall, doing a loud noise. it was absolutely nerve wrecking to think the king started to be a little too much interested in his disinherited child, way more when the female knew he would try to get something out of her.

the demon screamed in anger, throwing a set of knives made of blood on the wall, trying to somehow feel calmer. she was about to do it again when realizing it didn't help the first time, but was interrupted by the bedroom's door opening, making her turn to the side and roll her eyes.

"what do you want, seokjin?" the said male stared at her for a moment before averting his eyes to the body laying on the floor, his blank expression not changing in any moment.

"i came to ask for you to stop the tantrum." the older stepped inside, closing the door behind him and standing close to his sister. "i can hear it from my office."

"that's your problem." ruby scoffed, annoyed by the male's remark. he and his office could go fuck themselves.

"indeed." seokjin hummed, side eying the corpse again. "though, if you focused in your duties and stopped visiting yeonjun, the tantrums wouldn't be necessary."

"don't call him that, his name is daniel now. at least show minimum respect for someone with same blood as you." she gritted her teeth, spitting the words with hate.

"oh please, that creature isn't my relative." the male scoffed, seeing his sister's face squirm in anger. "someone like him isn't fitted to being royalty. a complete shame for our family's name."

ruby laughed in disbelief, not sure if she had heard right, but seeing her brother's snob expression made her certain he had said such words. the girl giggled while shaking her head, anger boiling in her veins.

"you're so pathetic, seokjin." she covered her mouth, trying to contain the laugh escaping through her lips. "hell will probably fall apart when you become the king. it's impossible to maintain a kingdom with such weak ruler."

"watch your words, ruby." the younger saw the male's lip twitch in annoyance, the negative emotion breaking his stone facade.

"why? what are you going to do? lock me up? or use your ability in me?" she turned fully to him, mocking him with a raised eyebrows. "doing so won't make you a better heir."

"throwing tantrums won't make your wishes come true, either way you're still doing so. seems you're the pathetic person here, acting like a child." seokjin stepped closer, staring at his sister in the eyes as if he was superior in any aspect possible. "what do you know about yeonjun?"

"nothing that concerns you, for sure."

"everything concerns me, little sister." the pure blooded demon turned around, sitting on a chair in the corner of the room and staring at the girl.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now