°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕❁•°

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 walked over one of the corpses, humming a song he didn't know, but already heard soobin humming before. he put both his hands on the big double door, throwing it open and facing the royal family, who was sat while eating. the demon was methodical when allowing himself into the castle, shutting everyone up before the queen could hear or be informed of the situation.

he smirked to the white haired queen sat on the end of the table, before making chains wrap around the three heirs, tying them in their chairs and pushing them to the wall, away from the table, where more chains sneaked around their necks and mouth, gluing them to the surface. the oldest queen put her fork on the table, staring at the male in front of her.

"kim yeonjun." the demon smiled, red eyes burning on everyone in the room. he grabbed the chair on the other edge of the table, and where he could face the older queen, pulling it and sitting on it after, elbows rested on it's arms.

"no. choi daniel if you might." he ran a finger through his lips, both queens staring calmly at him. rhea hummed, nodding her head lightly.

"so, choi daniel, may i ask the reason of such scene?" the demon averted his eyes to the heirs, eyes stopping on jungkook for a moment before going back to the woman in front of him, a smirk on his lips.

"i wanted to met the royal family, of course. such kind and ethereal people like everyone says, gentle and with will for helping, fighting and protecting. i must say you're not doing a great job with the last one though, a shame." ann, gently moved a strand of her hair to stay behind her shoulder, staring confusedly at the demon.

"why's that? as far as i know heaven is the most safe kingdom, unless my eyes have been deceiving me for years." she raised one of her eyebrows, her hazel eyes sharply looking at yeonjun. she was clearly not so sweet anymore.

"yes, yes. lowest numbers in crimes and violence, i know. though it's ridiculously useless when you can't even protect someone who's inside your castle." the red haired scoffed, not averting his eyes from the two woman so jungkook could think he hadn't realize how he was freezing the chains to get free.

"what are you talking about? the royal family is clearly entirely here." the dark skinned queen leaned on her chair, waiting for an answer. of course, she couldn't just tell anyone there was an angel under their protection, just like she couldn't act like she already suspected who the male was talking about. if she was right, there was still the question of how the demon knew about it.

"soobin. let's skip the part where you deny knowing him or having him under your protection. may i ask where he is, though?"

"certainly in his room, i could ask for someone to check on him." ann said, exchanging glances with her wife. it was obvious something was wrong.

"no need to." yeonjun raised his hand, shaking it on air. "my father already sent me a letter telling how he has him."

"your father can't get inside the barrier."

"i'm here aren't i? and wasn't i the powerless royal demon who couldn't do shit? so clearly your fucking barrier is doing a pathetic job." the male scoffed, annoyed by the ignorant act the queens were putting on. it wasn't like he didn't knew everything they were trying to hide, in the end.

"why does king hyukjun want him?"

"why did you took him in?"

"a favor."

"the royal family doesn't do favors if they don't have important reasons of being asked." the demon got up from the chair, putting both hands flat on the table and staring at the older queen. "one answer for another." rhea hummed, watching the other queen nod her head lightly.

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