°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆❁•°

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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 blinked his eyes a couple of times, feeling consciousness take over him again. he sat on the bed he was, furrowing his brows when looking around. the walls were dark, as well as the furniture and the sheets of the bed. it didn't take long for him to remember what happened, he was kidnapped and was clearly in hell.

the angel turned to the side, putting his feet on the ground, while still running his eyes through the room. it was odd and elegant, even if eery, and he realized how much his figure stood out in the dark colors. of course, the big white wings didn't help, but even if without counting them, the male would still look like blood in a covered in snow surface; completely eye catching.

the crimson colored necklace was placed around his neck and against his white cropped turtle neck, the choice of clothing being made from the need of hiding the biting marks yeonjun left on his skin. soobin most definitely wasn't expecting to get kidnapped that day, he had dressed all pretty, with his eye makeup matching his skirt color, all thinking he would get fucked good. so, in the end, he was currently more annoyed than scared.

the black haired got up, wanting to leave the room, but stopped a couple of steps away from the door when he couldn't seem to walk more, a weird and sketchy looking substance painted on the floor that somehow created a wall, or barrier, he apparently couldn't get through. he realized it was circling all the room and stretched his hand to try and see what would happen if he tried to go over the line.

soobin yelped in slight surprised, it wasn't harmful or anything but he could touch it like if it was a surface, the feeling was absolutely weird though, so he wasn't planning on touching it again. instead, he went back to the bed and dropped himself on it, resting is legs on the footboard and staring at his white shoes. it seemed like he would have to wait for someone as he clearly didn't have a way out.

the door was opened after some minutes, a tall and large shouldered male coming inside before closing the door behind him. soobin just kept on looking at the strange ceiling that had a weird texture, not minding the new presence. the man cleared his throat, trying to get the angel's attention while standing on the other side of the barrier.

"you might want to adjust your clothes." soobin finally looked up with his head, staring at the demon before averting his eyes to his raised skirt.

"why? is it distracting you?"


"then it can be left like that." the angel sat himself, tilting his head while checking the other out. he was handsome, dark brown and slightly long hair, plump lips, dark eyes and using black clothes, a bottom up shirt tucked inside pants. it was clearly a royal and therefore, yeonjun's older brother.

"i see why the bastard likes you." the older stared at soobin, paying attention to the purple plaid skirt and white cropped top. soobin had long legs, glossy lips and soft features, he would be considered pretty by anyone able to see him. the angel scoffed, leaning himself on his arms.

"no, you definitely don't." he made a disgusted face, glaring at the male. "though i can clearly see why he despises you."

seokjin chuckled lowly, sitting on an armchair placed on the corner of the room, that was there probably for when someone would come see soobin. he placed his elbow on it's arm and crossed his legs, observing the younger, who had a blank expression.

"you don't behave like your... kind."

"i'm sure all angels hate you, so it seems i'm pretty similar to them. shame to the demons for having someone like you ruining their image though, let's hope people don't think they are all assholes and prejudiced like you." soobin gave the other a fake and disgusted smile, rolling his eyes after. the younger was better thinking of how the armchair reminded him of yeonjun, he would definitely enjoy getting fucked on that one too.

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