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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 stared at the door after it was closed, he sighed, throwing his head back and looking at the night sky. he didn't regret it, kissing the angel, but he knew it wasn't the right thing to do, not when he had to hide himself as much as he could from curious eyes and the kingdoms rulers.

the demon ran a hand through his hair, before turning around and getting in his way to tenebris, he needed to go home and get some sleep. yeonjun walked calmly, enjoying the cool air and dark streets, it felt good to walk without being judged every step he gave. the red haired entered the woods, the same him and soobin were minutes before, hearing the crunch of dead leaves beneath his feet.

"daniel." the said male turned his head to the side, staring at the blood fairy.

"hey hongjoong, did something happen with ruby?" yeonjun furrowed his brows in worry, it was rare for the male to look for him, and considering he was ruby's best friend, the demon guessed it was something to do with his sister.

hongjoong was always with the princess, they were inseparable. he was a calm and relaxed person, that seemed to help as best as he could in everything. yeonjun didn't understand how the blood fairy didn't hate him or ruby, though, not when his father ripped his wings off. daniel had the king's blood running through his veins, if he was hongjoong, he would probably hate the entire royal family.

ripping someone's wings off was simply inhumane.

"he locked her up again after finding out she came to see you." the shorter sighed, turning to the side, where another person was. "this is taehyun, he's friends with ruby too. we need to talk with you."

taehyun nodded as a greeting, knowing it wasn't the right time for a proper introduction. the red haired turned fully to the two, having all his attention on what they wanted to say, before nodding.

"what happened?" hongjoong stopped, nervously looking around, he didn't want to see the demon angry, but knew he had to say the news. instead, taehyun cleaned his throat ans started to speak, seeing how the shorter was anxious.

"we think the king is planning to come after you." yeonjun closed his eyes and cursed quietly, already done with the topic. it was the worst news he could get.

"why would he? i don't have anything he wants." a lie, but the truth couldn't be told to the two people in front of him, nor spoke aloud for anyone hiding in the trees to hear.

"we don't know, ruby just asked to tell you that she heard him and seokjin talking with some people about sending spies. you know she can't say anything further, your father could get in our minds and discover it, exactly why we don't know why he wants you, but you should probably know his motives more than anyone." hongjoong said while moving his hands in the air. the blood fairy looked to the side, exchanging glances with taehyun.

"we just came to warn you, if before you were being careful, now you have to be more." the blonde bit his lip softly, feeling his fangs poking the flesh. the pointed teeth were courtesy of being half blood fairy.

"does beomgyu knows? they might go after him if my father finds out we're close friends." yeonjun felt sick, he couldn't believe that after he disinherit him, his father still wanted things from him. then again, he knew what type of person the king of hell was.

"no, we came to you as soon as ruby asked to." hongjoong shook his head lightly. the princess seemed worried when asking him to talk with yeonjun, so he got worried to. him and the demon weren't that close, but they could consider each other friends, which meant he cared for the prince. as a friend and as part of his people.

just like ruby, the fairy believed yeonjun should be the king, so he was glad to help the demon, his prince and true king. it was an opinion secretly shared by many residents of hell, but not much talked about, not when the current king was borderline psychotic.

"okay, thank you hongjoong." daniel stepped foward, patting the fairy's hair softly.

"i'm older than you." hongjoong tsked, not letting to be known the fact he felt proud of himself when the prince acknowledged his efforts.

"i know, joong." the demon smiled softly, patting the older's hair again, and turned to the reaper beside them. "nice to meet you, taehyun. thank you for the help." yeonjun gave the male a nod, grateful, and the blonde did the same back. if his sister trusted the reaper, than the red haired knew he could too.

"please be careful, dan."

"don't worry, joong, i will. take care of ruby for me." hongjoong smiled, showing his fangs, and nodded.

"of course." the fairy turned to taehyun, holding is arm softly. "we should go, the king might have put people to watch me too." he gave yeonjun a last smile before the reaper transported both by the shadows.

the demon looked at the empty forest, annoyed. it was obvious why the king was after him, even if not being something he wanted to happen. the potion. it wasn't working as effectively anymore, which meant there was a lot of signs he had royal powers, even if with no way of proofing it yet.

his father wanted to know if it was true he had powers, and if it was, how much of a threat he was to the kingdom. hyukjun would do anything to keep the throne to himself.

yeonjun didn't have much he could do about it though, besides not letting the spies get him, or see too much. he needed to warn beomgyu too, he was the most probable person they would go after if they didn't manage to get the prince, which they knew it was almost sure to happen. the demon could be 'powerless' but he wasn't stupid, way less defenseless, and the king knew it.

the red haired let out a tsk, before going back to walking home. in the way, he touched the red earring on his left ear, a small crystal hanging while adorned by silver. the crystal of blood his mother gave to him, the crystal that could make his powers stronger. yeonjun knew the king would want it too, he had been trying to get it for years, and it made the prince mad. it was one of the last things left from his mother and yet, hyukjun wanted it for power.

too much for saying choi mira was the only woman he truly loved.

the demon knew the king only loved himself and his throne.

yeonjun stopped when seeing his house, the door was thrown open and the lights were on, which gave away someone broke in. he stepped closer, being careful to not make any noise, and got inside the house. it was quiet and everything was thrown on the floor, probably after people tried to look for the crystal, or hints he could have powers. either way, the place was already empty, whoever was there had already left.

the red haired shrugged, he would just put things back into place and go to sleep. there wasn't a necessity for moving to other house when they would find it easily, so it was better to just stay there, where they already searched and didn't find anything.

yeonjun wasn't stupid to leave important things in obvious or not secure places. reason why the crystal never left his ear, getting carried around all the time. the demon at least could laugh at his father knowing the man didn't know how the crystal looked like, which meant he wouldn't give attention to a small earring hanging on his ear. way less if the earring was only a part of the whole crystal, with the rest hidden in another places.

the red haired had made sure it wouldn't be easy to get the full crystal.

yeonjun reached for the communication crystal on his pocket, moving his hand above the black object while trying to contact beomgyu. he rolled his eyes when the gargoyle didn't answer, and decided to just talk to the male the next day. the demon put the crystal on the nightstand, sighing.

his life had just got a million times more complicated.


𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now