°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒐𝒖𝒓❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈blood, mention of abusive relationship•°


𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 was laid on the angel's bed while the male was on top of him, head rested on his shoulder and legs straddling his body. it was silent for a while, but a comfortable one, with just soobin using his fingers to play with the demon's feathers and getting caressed on his back.

"do you think i will have to live here for a lot more?" the taller said softly, relaxed by the position and caress the older was doing.

"yes. this is the safest place for you to be." soobin raised his head, looking at the other with a frown.

"take me with you. you can protect me, dan." yeonjun sighed, looking at the ceiling for a second before raising his torso and making both sit on the bed. he stared at the angel, a serious expression on his fox-like features.

"i can't take you with me. the chances of my father finding you here are way lower than if you were with me. even if i could protect you, it would be too risky." the red haired was right, he knew it, but there was another reason why soobin couldn't stay with him. protecting the younger meant using his powers, and he couldn't expose himself and lose the vantage of getting his father by surprise. the king wasn't dumb, so yeonjun had to think every step to be able to have the upper hand.

"but even if he found me, you would be there! you said yourself you have powers, so it shouldn't be that hard or risky." soobin pouted, he was tired of being locked up inside the castle and being with the demon sounded a way better idea.

"no." the older said straightforwardly, so the angel would understand it was the final word, which he did. the black haired still pouted and crossed his arms like a spoiled child would do though, making yeonjun kiss his forehead and pull him closer. "i will come frequently, okay? now stop with the frown."

soobin whined, just to annoy the other, and nodded after. he knew there wasn't a way of convincing the demon, so accepting it was better, but that didn't take his mind of the fact yeonjun could just get tired of him and leave him alone in the castle. it was a thought he gained after his previous relationship.

"promise me you will always come." the angel stared at he other's black eyes, making clear how important the promise was to him. soobin needed a confirmation everything would be okay, so he could relax and take his mind off of it.

"i promise." the red haired nodded, raising his hand to tuck a small strand behind the male's ear. it made him remind of his own earring and imagine how the jewelry would look on the angel, crimson contrasting with the white feathers, almost as a clean version of the day he painted the younger's wings with blood.

yeonjun put his hand on the other's cheek, bringing his face down to kiss his lips. the demon licked the angel's bottom lip, asking for passage, and slid his tongue inside him mouth when the male gave it. soobin brought one hand to the older's nape, playing with the short hair on it and puling him closer to deepen the kiss. when the taller disconnected their lips, in need of air, the demon pecked it slowly a couple of times, giving the male a smile after.

"do you want me to promise anything else?" the red haired asked while running his thumb under the taller's chin, raising his head slightly while the rest of his hand stayed on his cheek. he licked his lips, using his other arm to lean slightly backwards and support himself.

"no, sorry." soobin shook his head, leaning on the touch and raising his hand to hold the male's one on his face. he knew yeonjun wasn't bothered by the promise, but somehow felt the need of explaining himself. "i just need some type of confirmation, my ex used to make me question and doubt a lot of things he said or did, but the fault always seemed to be mine in the end. you're not him, i know that, but the insecurity stayed with me even after we broke up." the angel shrugged, looking at the window when not sure if he should look at the demon. it was a sensitive topic.

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