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°•𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • this chapter contains smut scenes. feel free to skip it if you're not comfortable, there's nothing relevant to the plot•°

°please keep in mind none of the words used in a way of religious comparison were meant to offend anyone, there is no religion mentioned or linked to this book as it's based in a fictional universe and with fictional characters•°

°•𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒔 • masturbation, blood, religious comparison words and expressions•°


𝑻𝒉𝒆 angel bit his lips while looking around, trying to discover the best way to do what he was about to. it was a limited space and he wasn't going to just open his legs on top of the bed and hope for the best. he decided to sit on the floor beside it, his back facing the door and leaning on the mattress edge while he stared at the wall.

soobin silently thanked himself for choosing his current clothes, only raising his skirt while opening his legs. he couldn't believe how hard he was, nor that he would really do it, masturbate himself while being held captive that is, but pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and slid his hand under his panties. the male moaned as soon as he touched his dick, biting his lips before starting to move his hand.

the angel pumped his member while slightly thrusting up, grabbing his necklace and shoving the small crystal inside his mouth when feeling the need of having something in it. he threw his head back, running his hand on the tip of his dick and spreading the precum coming out of it, but soon realized just that wouldn't be enough.

soobin used one hand to take off his panties while with the other he put three fingers inside his mouth, wetting them as much as he could before spitting on them, immediately reaching for his hole after. the male bit his lips, closing his eyes and imagining yeonjun being the one circling his fingertips on his rim. he could see the male's red eyes burning him from inside out and see the dirty smirk on his face, his fangs showing himself and making the angel crave for feeling them on his skin.

the male moaned when sliding the first finger in, keeping his eyes shut so he wouldn't take the demon's image out of his head. yeonjun and his defined abs, his marked v line, his salient collarbones, his bellybutton piercing, his big wings, his red hair, his sly smirk, his pointed teeth, his crimson eyes and his fucking dick. soobin couldn't put into words how much he loved the male's dick, and how good it felt to have it inside of him.

the angel moaned, adding a second finger and arching his back with it, he felt blessed for having big hands and consequently long fingers. soobin rolled his hips, his mind flashing his boyfriend on top of him while thrusting deep, along with the thought of getting caught by someone. he felt his body getting feverish, the turtle neck suddenly feeling too tight around his neck but well, definitely not tight enough.

soobin couldn't seem to get satisfied though, his fingers could never compare to yeonjun's dick, didn't matter how much he tried. the male cursed lowly, moving his back away from the mattress and kneeling on the floor, thrusting another two fingers without mercy inside of his hole and starting to ride them. his skirt covered the obscenity while he used his other arm to support himself on the nightstand, hips rolling uncontrollably in seek for his high.

the male gripped on the furniture's edge, seeing yeonjun lustful eyes staring back at him and hands holding his waist while helping him ride. his hole was getting stretched good with the four fingers inside, reaching deep inside, and soobin suddenly grabbed his left wing, bringing it close to his mouth and biting it. the pain was big but he felt so good he almost came, keeping the feathery limb inside his mouth while moving his hand to his neck.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now