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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 was in the verge of crying out of frustation, flower fairies were perfect in taking care of the plants, but the male was clearly not the same, that was the third time he let a flower die that month and he didn't know what was wrong.

"kaya? how do you do it?" soobin turned to the girl, finding the silver adornments on her dark blue hair pretty.

"it's simple for me, but that's because flower fairies are gifted with healing. just keep on trying, bin, i'm sure you're going to get good at it." she leanead foward, her hazel eyes shinning in the other's direction, and smiled at him. "kai was way worse than you in the start." kaya giggled, linking her arm with the tall male's. "don't worry too much. i come here once in a while and the flowers are already better than the last time, you're getting better."

"i hope you're right, thank you, ky." soobin hugged the other, being careful with her transparent purple wings, that were more fragile than his own, and feeling the wisteria flowery smell she had. the male pulled away, staring at her with knowing eyes. "what about jay, you haven't told me much about him the last time we met."

"what about him?" the girl looked away, tucking a strand of her hair behind her pierced ear.

"how are you two?!" soobin looked at her expectantly and smiling softly.

"we-" kaya was interrupted by her crystal ringing. she picked the purple object, running her hand on top of it and answering the call. crystals were used to communicate in elyhea, they were created by crystalians and were one of the most used objects.

"hey babe, when are you coming home? mushu has been meowing all day after you and i don't know what to do anymore." it was jay. kaya laughed at him, knowing the male would probably be stressing with all the noise.

"i will take longer so you two can bond."

"please don't." jay answered so seriously that soobin started to laugh, looking at the woman in front of him, who laughed loudly.

"i'm coming, don't worry. soobin said 'hi'." kaya looked at the other, who was doing some movements in the air asking to send jay a hello.

"hey soobin! ky, babe, just come. i'm almost having a mental crisis." the woman laughed again and bid goodbye, exchanging 'i love you' before ending the call.

"you two are cute together." the brunette smiled, seeing kaya's cheeks getting red.

"okay, i have to go." she ignored his statement, covering her cheeks with her hands full of rings and shyly turning to him. "bye, bin, take care. see you next week."

"bye, ky. good luck with jay!" soobin teased, receiving a glare from the other, before she left through the door. kaya only went there from time to time, voluntarily helping with the flowers. soobin knew the only reason the girl didn't actually worked there was because she lived in summus, that was quite far.

the male turned to the flowers again, pouting softly when seeing they looked sadder than normal. soobin went to the door, deciding that maybe buying some fertilizer or potion could help, he walked through the streets, seeing a couple of people staring at him, angels weren't common in limbo, while others nodded softly, greeting him.

soobin was almost in the market, but turned around quickly when feeling someone touching his wings, a gargoyle male walking with his back turned to the angel while his hands were behind his back. the taller figured the touch was unintentional.

"hey, sorry for touching you." the gargoyle turned slightly to the side, worryingly looking foward after. the male had pretty features and long hair, his wings were quite long, but way shorter than soobin's, and grey. he was handsome.

"it's fine, are you ok-"

"BEOMGYU." the loud voice interrupted him, and the male saw everyone in the street stop for a second, before leaving as fast as they could. soobin furrowed his brows, he didn't know about anyone dangerous in limbo, but then again, he was there for just a month and almost didn't walked around.

"dan, look, it wasn't my fault!" the male, who soobin knew was called beomgyu now, stepped back, looking at a red haired one. soobin held his breath for a moment, it was a royal, and looked like the rumor about the hell's family incredible beauty was true.

"you fucking broke all the potions i made this week, you know i sell them for a living, right?"

a royal? selling potions for a living? soobin took a second until he understood, the king's son who was disinherited a couple of years back. everyone knew about it.

"it was an accident! this reaper i told you about passed in the street and i got distracted and bumped on the potions!" the red haired put a hand on his forehead, looking completely done.

"i swear i will kill you one day." he sighed and turned to the gargoyle while coming closer, looking at him intensely and coldly. "you're paying for every single drop that was wasted."

"yeah, absolutely!" beomgyu wasn't going to, he planned to trick daniel for as long as he could and hope the male would forget about it. yeonjun rolled his eyes, already knowing it all, and looked behind the long haired.

"and who are you?" the red haired stared at the angel, his soft features and shiny eyes getting his attention. then he felt it, the slight taste of blood on his tongue. "are you hurt?"

"what?" soobin furrowed his brows, staring at the other while the male blinked some times and averted his eyes.

"are you hurt somewhere? like a cut or something."

"no, i don't think so." the tallest shrugged, not really getting what was happening. the red haired looked at beomgyu for a second before averting his eyes back to the angel and licking his lips.

"daniel." the long haired said with a worried face.

"but you are." yeonjun gently held soobin's arm, raising it and looking at his hand where a small cut was. the red haired looked at it, finding the smell too inviting for his liking, and bit his lip, already feeling his fangs poking the inside of his mouth.

his fangs.

yeonjun widened his eyes, stepping back and covering his mouth with the back of his hand. the male turned to beomgyu, who had a weird expression, probably in the verge of panicking.

"beomgyu, we need to go." the red haired stared at the angel for the last time, trying his best to control his instincts, but finding it hard when the male's blood smelled so good.

"yeah, hum, bye..." the long haired turned to the tallest, staring at him for a second.


"bye, soobin." beomgyu smiled weirdly and turned to the red haired, who was drinking some disgustingly looking liquid.

the angel waved hesitantly, finding the whole interaction as weird as possible. he looked at the red haired, finally paying enough attention to see his wings. two colors. soobin furrowed his brows, he didn't know it was possible to have multicolored wings and as far as he knew, being royalty didn't change that. he couldn't deny though, the male wings were really beautiful, the red was so dark and vivid that he almost thought blood would drip from the feathers.

soobin looked at his hand, seeing the small cut. it was probably caused by one of the thorns on the flowers he was taking care of, so small it could barely be seen. he found strange how the royal, who he knew the name was daniel now, was able to not only know he was hurt, but discover where it was, especially when not even the angel himself could feel the cut.


soobin found him strangely odd.


𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now