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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 was caught off guard, not because of the request, it would be normal to receive a couple of bites when making out with someone, but when he saw the fangs poking out of the male's smirk, he knew it was a different kind of biting. truth be told, he didn't know if it would hurt or not, but he was certain he had just discovered he had a thing for fangs. they were a dangerous combination to the older's foxy and intense eyes. the angel decided to ignore the questions he had in the moment, just wanting to feel the pointed teeth on him, and so, he nodded.

"words, darling. i won't do it without a voiced consent."

"y-yes, you can b-bite me." yeonjun felt the words reaching his ears like velvet. the angel had let him do it, so control wasn't necessary anymore, making the demon's smirk grow. he didn't give a fuck anymore.

the red haired used his hand that was still on the male's face, to turn his head to the side and expose his neck more. now that he dropped out of trying to control himself, he could smell the sweetness way more and he was sure he could get addicted to the smell. soobin bit his lips, finding the way yeonjun was looking at him hot, as if the angel was a literal prey under his touch.

yeonjun ran his nose through the skin, breathing in the scent, before licking the vein on the male's neck. he opened his mouth, hearing soobin whimper when the fangs softly ghosted the place, and got ready to pierce them on the skin. soobin shot his eyes open, suddenly aware of what he was doing, with multiple whispered words and touches coming back to his mind and making him pull the demon away, a distraught expression on his face.

"n-no! i c-can't." the angel shook his head while moving his hands in front of his body, looking at the other's confused face. it made him feel guilty, and stupid, but he couldn't let it all happen again, even if this time he felt like doing it. getting exiled from his homeland was enough.

the red haired got startled, trying his best to come back to his senses and ignore the urge of still piercing his teeth on the soft skin. it was hard  and dangerous, soobin had gave him consent and so, he almost let his instincts take over. luckily, the angel asked to stop before it actually happened, which made the older glad.

"hey, hey. it's okay." yeonjun stepped closer again, taking a deep breath and gently holding on the male's wrist, caressing his waist with his other hand. "you don't need to, it's fine. don't worry about it." he looked soobin in the eyes, nodding his head softly in a way of reassuring him. even if he craved for tasting the taller's blood, he would never do it without consent, and he was fine with only the kisses they had been sharing. the angel shouldn't do that even again, though, yeonjun being able to stop was almost based on pure luck.

"o-okay." soobin dropped his hands, secretly reminding himself yeonjun was a complete different person than he was. turns out the earlier events from the council meeting were affecting him more than he wanted them to. "s-sorry."

the taller truly was, sorry that is, not only for the demon but for himself too. soobin wanted to, feel the fangs sinking on him or the male thrusting inside of him, more than he would ever admit, but it wasn't about what he wanted, it was what he couldn't. starting to live in limbo with so many free people and habits made him almost forget he was still an angel, the council made sure to remind him of that though. soobin being an angel was the whole reason why he didn't lived in heaven anymore.

"don't be." the older gave him a small smile and the angel felt his heart stop for a moment, looking at the other's red eyes for the first time. his worries disappeared under the crimson stare, it felt like looking at a million people's souls and a million different emotions. it was the most beautiful and scary thing he ever saw.

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now