°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒐𝒏𝒆❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • mention of maternal death, mention of abusive relationship, mention of paternal violence•°


𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 managed to pull himself together and go to the bathroom in a hurry to clean himself, his legs still shaking and mind still slightly dazed. when he was not sticky and bloodied anymore, the male washed his face with water, drying it with the grey towel and staring at the mirror. it was then he started to laugh, resting the back of his hand on his lips while his shoulders shook lightly. if someone ever told him he would masturbate himself, in hell, while kidnapped, he would probably take the person as crazy. then again, there he was, possibly crazier than the person who would suggest it.

the angel sat back on the bed, adjusting his clothes and hair, and trying to look less fucked. soobin was so focused on it, he jumped in surprise when the door opened, yelping considerably loudly. he turned to the door slowly, suddenly feeling more cold than before and with a heavy feeling on his chest.

the male staring at him was clearly yeonjun's father, not because of the crown on his head, but because of how similar both were. hyukjun had black hair that reached just above his shoulders, half of it being tied up with strands falling on the sides and front of his face, he had black and foxy eyes, almost identical to yeonjun's, but way thinner lips than the red haired. soobin couldn't lie, he was extremely handsome, and that was absolutely not what he was expecting.

"hello." the angel blinked in surprise, his voice was deep and velvety, before crawling back on the bed, eyes shining in uneasiness and furrowed brows.

"d-don't hurt me." soobin said quietly, purposefully stuttering and pretending he was more scared than he actually was.

the older ignored him, stepping closer and standing before the barrier, that he touched with his hands adorned in rings.

"amusing, isn't it?" hyukjun ran his finger on the enchantment's surface, his voice reverberating through the room as if he was in every atom present there. "it's made to not let demoniac energy inside, and not let angelic energy out. a shame to you and yeonjun."


"yes, he doesn't refer himself as such anymore. the one i mention is daniel, your little...boyfriend, or whatever you want to call." the king averted his eyes from the barrier to soobin, his incredible black eyes seeming to suck his soul out of his body, the big and slightly dark crown shining under the light.

"c-can't you just l-let me out? i-i didn't d-do anything! i-i promise!" soobin got up, standing in front of the male with pleading and teary eyes. hyukjun looked at him up and down, before staring at his eyes again.

"i can say angels beauty are indeed mesmerizing,
but it surprises me yeonjun managed to stand your annoying behavior just because of it. i wouldn't be able to." the demon gave the younger a disgusted look, glaring at him as if he was the most inferior being alive.

"w-what?" soobin had to squeeze his own arm as hard as he could to control the urge of saying the king could go fuck himself. he tried to remind himself acting like a innocent and dumb angel was better than letting his real personality show.

the angel stepped back, seeming scared and hurt by the words, one of the fake tears running down his face slowly. yeonjun would have to recompense him for the whole act he was putting on when he appeared.

"why are you so scared? come here." hyukjun tilted his head, and his eyes seemed so creepy the angel actually got intimidated, but didn't move a inch foward. "oh, that's interesting. maybe yeonjun gave me something way more valuable than he thought."

𝑬𝒍𝒚𝒉𝒆𝒂 • yeonbin {BOOK 1} ✓Where stories live. Discover now