°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆❁•°

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𝑺𝒐𝒐𝒃𝒊𝒏 didn't think hoping for everything to go as it should could turn out so badly, but it did. taehyung and him managed to go through a good amount of the planned course, and the angel was able to stay conscious during all of the route, but it was getting harder each second and the pain had started to make an appearance again.

the demon carried him as gently as possible, avoiding way too sudden moves that could cause pain or worsen the injuries. they just needed to reach the secret passage in the library, that would led both directly out, and everything would be fine. of course, something had to go wrong though, things never seem to be easy.

"where do you think you're going?" the deep voice echoed through the hall, and soobin instantly felt more awake. it was the king. "i see where you stand now, taehyung." the royal chuckled, shaking his head in false disappointment. "drop the angel."

the male had to obey. taehyung couldn't go against the royal family orders and even if yeonjun had royal blood, the ruler would always have more power over him. he could go around some of the orders, but not when yeonjun wasn't close by and the words were too direct. it was do as said or die. the male carefully put soobin on the floor, with his shoulder on the wall so he would sit without his wings pressing on any surface.

"what a shame, taehyung. you were my right hand. the perfect one i might say, a single betrayal and you would be dead." the demon stood in front of soobin protectively, not saying a word while staring at the king. he was going to be killed, there was no doubt. "i see yeonjun managed to do something with my blood." the royal tsked, annoyed. "that thing shouldn't have been born."

"queen mira would disagree, my king." it was a bold sentence, just saying the name of the dead queen could get him killed, but taehyung already had his death sentence, so it didn't matter.

"don't say her name." hyukjun growled at the other, anger visible on his features. contrary of what most people said, he indeed loved the woman, but loving her wasn't enough when he loved power more. "taehyung."

"yes, your majesty?" the demon say through his teeth, he could affirm, with all words and letters, he hated the king to the core. his hate was insignificant though, it didn't matter if he liked the man or not, in the end he was still bond to obey every single thing he said.

"step away from the boy." the oldest eyes glued into taehyung's ones, sucking all his will and freedom to think or act on his own, making the male become a brainless and emotionless puppet. in all aspects, hyukjun's royal abilities were disgusting and cruel. he could even go as far as obligating taehyung to kill jungkook, and the male wouldn't be able to protest. "you see, soobin." the king turned to the angel, tilting his head with a smirk. "my abilities are extremely useful, but they have a catch, an unfortunate one i might say."

hyukjun walked closer to the younger, stopping in front of him and crunching down, before grabbing his face between his fingers. soobin's eyes were filled with tears, mostly angry ones, but a few from pain. he stared angrily at the king, hate evident on his dark and glossy eyes.

"i can't use it on royal bloods." the older grip got stronger, making the angel slightly whine in pain. "and guess what? i can't use it on you." he let go harshly of the male's face, straightening himself and looking down at soobin. "which means you're the little baby supposed to be dead. that, or the most precious thing i had on my hands in a while. i can't give you away anymore, not before you give me the immortality you have hidden in your feathers."

soobin was as weak as ever, but he didn't manage to hold in a scoff. the idea of him being a royal was itself ridiculous, but the fact the king thought he would help him was able to be even more stupid. the angel would rather get killed at once than helping someone as putrid as the man in front of him. hyukjun didn't seem to mind the disrespect.

"put a front all you want, it won't get you out of here anytime soon." he chuckled lowly, looking like he was enjoying the whole thing. it didn't matter if there was a battle happening outside, not when he had a royal angel on his hands. "you should thank soobin, taehyung. my first plan was getting your royal angel, but yeonjun just gave one so easily that jungkook won't be necessary anymore."

the angel stared at taehyung, worried about the words spoken, but was welcomed with a cold and stoic face, void of any emotion or pain. he seemed lifeless. soobin took a deep and shaky breath, trying his best to make himself able of speaking. he already looked weak enough sat on the floor like a broken doll.

"y-you have m-me. let h-him g-go." the younger almost rolled his eyes to himself, annoyed for having stuttered. it wasn't his fault though, nor avoidable, and he knew it, but knowing it didn't make it less frustrating.

"of course not. why would i when i can have both? don't be stupid, angel." hyukjun spoke with so much hate that for a second, soobin felt himself ashamed of his species, as if angels were  nothing more than dirt to be stepped on. "taehyung, get him. we're leaving. i don't have all day to stare at his pitiful state"

"yes, your majesty." the demon did as said, picking soobin up, who let out a cry in pain as the older wasn't careful at all with his injuries. it wasn't taehyung himself, after all. the king tsked, looking around with an impatient expression.

"where is the little bastard? i thought he was smart enough to be here at this point." the male scoffed, he guessed it wasn't a surprise for yeonjun to be stupid when he hadn't realized his angel boyfriend was a royal. the king opened his mouth to say more, but a sound echoing throughout the hall made him stop.

it was a chuckle, loud and clear.

"oh my. father, father, father. should i congratulate you for getting soobin?" yeonjun's voice seemed to come from the front of the hall, as if he was walking closer. "i can praise you if you want it that desperately." his voice suddenly sounded like it came from the back, making the king turn around with narrowed eyes while listening to another chuckle.

"stop the little stunt, i don't have all day, yeonjun." hyukjun said coldly, his intense and powerful aura not getting even slightly shaken.

"for sure you don't." yeonjun smirked, appearing behind taehyung, black and thick smoke around him for a second as if he had just teleported himself. "wake up and go stay with soobin in a corner." the male whispered to the other, who seemed to instantly blink his eyes and get out of trance.

the only reason why yeonjun didn't ask for taehyung to leave with the angel was because he needed to heal the male first. soobin was in no conditions of leaving without treatment. the demon prince then stepped foward, crimson eyes burning on his father's ones.

"did you miss me father?" yeonjun smirked, tilting his head while standing a couple of meters away from the other. "i hope you don't mind my visit, i just came to get what's mine."

"you're not taking the stupid angel."

"of course not." the red haired scoffed, licking his lips after. "i'm taking my angel." yeonjun face turned serious, eyes as cold as ever and crimson as pools of blood. "and the crown too."


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