°•❁𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆❁•°

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°•𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 • blood, mention of torture•°


𝑻𝒉𝒆 angel was laid on the floor, a pool of his own blood around him. he had taken the torture for two days already, and knew he would probably have to take more. soobin had passed out after losing too much blood, and his wounds were treated only enough to not let him die, but he kept his mouth shut, not a single word about yeonjun being spoken.

he still had his wings, even if they were hurt.

hyukjun seemed to be losing his patience though, and the last time he tried to get answers from the angel, the king had started to cut his wings off, even if stopping before taking it far enough to make him wingless, for some reason soobin couldn't understand. he didn't think the male would stop next time though, and so he was dreading every second that could be closer to hyukjun getting inside the room.

soobin couldn't move, nor feel anything beyond pain, and his body was weak as ever, the fact he hadn't eat since the tortures started didn't help either. he hadn't seen anyone too, no taehyung or ruby showed up, only the king and the two gargoyles. the male let out a sob when trying to move, his body protesting and bandages getting even more soaked in crimson.

the black haired could hear his ears ringing, eyes blinking heavily and vision blurred by tears. he didn't know if he was hallucinating at that point or if there was in fact a considerable amount of noise coming from outside. it seemed like, people yelling? maybe, he wasn't sure, even more with the strong headache he felt.

soobin coughed lightly, trying his best to do it as minimum as possible since it hurt too much. either way, he still whined, more tears falling from his eyes and hitting the bloodied floor like a simple drop of rain hit a puddle. he felt like dying.

"-obin! soobin! are you okay? fuck." the angel blinked his eyes, trying to focus on the figure in front of him. taehyung. he hummed as an answer, not sure if he could speak without felling pain. "i will get you out of here."

the demon looked to the door for a moment, hoping he could be fast enough so no one would get in to catch them. he tapped his pockets, taking a small glass with black thick liquid on it and pouring it on his hand. taehyung started to quickly draw a line on the barrier, that turned out messy but still able of doing it's job.

"i hope this shit works." the older murmured to himself, keeping on doing something similar to a door. the crystalians had told him the potion was supposed to invert the barrier enchantment, making angels not able to get in and demons to get out instead of the opposite. it was the best they could create with the small amount of time they had, which was incredibly a lot since the trapping spell was really strong. they wouldn't be members of the council if they weren't good, after all.

"okay." taehyung finished the drawing and put the small recipient back in his pocket. that was the easy part. "soobin you will have to get out on your own. i'm a demon if i get in, i won't be able to get out."

the angel blinked again, trying to process the words and situation as fast as he could, which was hard when barely staying conscious. when he did get a grasp of what was happening he hummed in understatement, trying to move himself out of the spot he was laid on. it didn't work much when he felt a immense amount of pain.

"i-i c-can't." soobin choked out in a whisper, sobbing on the floor while staring at the other.

"fuck. we have to go, daniel said to make it quick and he's already here." as soon as the words were spoken, the angel felt relief washing over him. he wouldn't lie, soobin had been doubting the male would keep his promise and come to him after the king started the tortures, it was hard to have hope when getting cut and stabbed multiple times. "wait."

taehyung looked around the room, there didn't seem to have anything he could use, and going out to get something was not only reckless but stupid too. in the end, the demon settled for his own shirt, taking the piece of clothing off and exposing his naked torso. he held one of the edges of the shirt, throwing the other through the barrier and in front of soobin.

"grab it, i will pull you. it will hurt, so get yourself ready." the angel closed his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath while nodding. he moved both his hands to grab the cloth, whining softly with the moderate pain he felt when doing so. "sorry." it was all taehyung said before pulling the younger at once.

soobin bit his arm to not scream, he couldn't afford someone hearing it from outside and ruining his chances of getting out of there. though, it still hurt, a lot. a trail of blood was painted on the floor, tears running down the angel's cheeks as the demon let go of the shirt and grabbed the other's hands instead, gently holding soobin in his arms after he was all out.

"you okay?" the taller let out a sob, breathing heavily while nodding again. taehyung put his shirt back on before moving the younger to a sitting position, doing his best to not touch his injuries, but finding it hard when there was so many. he looked at the clock, making sure the time was correct, he still had a couple of minutes.

"listen. i can't take you to daniel, okay? i need to get you out of the castle, so you will meet him after. the prince was extremely specific when telling me this." the demon took some bandages from his pockets along with a small potion for pain, giving the liquid to the other and starting to treat soobin's injuries minimally better, otherwise he could lose too much blood while they left.

taehyung managed to do a good enough job on the leg injuries, starting to go up to the male's torso and arms after, all while taking a look at the clock from time to time. he hurriedly bandaged soobin's arms, which were covered in dry and still fresh blood, doing the same with his stomach and chest.

"m-my wings." the taller let out in a breathy whisper, worried about the condition they were in, especially because it was probably the injury that was hurting the most. the older furrowed his brows, not having any idea the male's wings were hurt, he thought the blood was because of the other wounds. taehyung moved to the side, where he could see soobin's back more, and froze for a second.

"fuck, soobin." the demon's face instantly scrunched in pain, imagining how much the injury was hurting. it was bad. soobin's wings were cut enough to make the older able to see his flesh, wings already partly disconnected from his back. taehyung didn't think the angel would be able to fly again, not when even if healed, the scar and damage wouldn't allow strength enough to be used to support the male's weight. "i can't bandage it, we need to go."

he wasn't about to tell soobin how bad it was, bad enough that bandaging wasn't possible, it would only get minimally solved with stitching.

the angel only nodded, feeling the older picking him up from the floor. taehyung tried his best to not touch hurt places, but prioritized the wings, touching them in the wrong way could double the damage. he opened the door slowly, not stepping outside until he was a hundred percent sure it was safe enough.

the way he needed to take was all planned, the older just had to be careful while on it and he and soobin would be out of the castle in no time. the fact he knew every little corridor and passage of the building for sure helped, getting lost wasn't an option and if something went wrong, he would know another way. it wasn't like yeonjun didn't give him a ridiculous numbers of plans and exits for if things went bad, too.

soobin had a shallow breath and numb body, he was certain he would pass out again in no time, even if not feeling as much pain as before after the demon gave him the potion. either way he did as best as he could into holding on taehyung's neck, not wanting to make it more difficult for the male when they had to escape as fast as they could.

the angel just hoped everything would work out as it should.


°•𝒂/𝒏 • i wasnt going to do a double update but im like super excited for the end of the book so i couldnt keep the chap waiting until tomorrow•°


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