°•❁𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚 𝒕𝒘𝒐❁•°

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𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒏 was annoyed. he figured it would happen eventually, but knowing it didn't make the thing even slightly more bearable. the demon had been called by the council, as the rumors he had powers got too big to be ignored, and the governors weren't about to let a royal demon with powers walk around their kingdom and hope for the best.

"good afternoon, daniel. how you've been?" namjoon stared at the male, trying to find any clue or change on his appearance that could confirm the rumors, but not seeing even a tiny difference on the other. yeonjun had the same bored and sly expression he always had in the meetings.

"drop the small talk, namjoon. i have things to do." the red haired leaned on his seat, lazily sitting on it with spread legs and an elbow on the chair's arm. "why you called me here?" the answer was obvious, but ignoring it and pretending ignorance seemed like a better option.

"the rumors."

"they are not true and quite ridiculous if you ask me, i wouldn't be living in limbo for eleven years now if i had royal abilities." the male scoffed, acting like even the consideration of the rumors would be stupid. it obviously wasn't, but that was just because yeonjun knew very well they were true.

"that's not for you to say. we're putting you under investigation." the older looked down to some papers on the table, apparently reading something before averting his eyes back to the demon. "i assume there's no need to say why."

"yeah, the bullshit about having a royal demon with powers being dangerous to the population safety and all. i heard it enough already and i wasn't even getting accused." yeonjun waved his hand dismissively, as if the topic was unimportant. "i hope you don't forget my rights though, i'm still a citizen after all, even if you all act like i'm not."

"no one is putting your rights aside, daniel."

"say that to the meetings i have every month." the younger scoffed, annoyed by the disdain the head of the council was showing. truth be told, he found the whole council just a bunch of good rulers wannabes that only cared about appearances, not really focusing on what should be focused on. blame the thought on the ruling lessons he had when still living in hell and considered part of the royal family.

"the meetings are necessary and don't violate your rights, therefore shouldn't be a problem." namjoon stated calmly, he was used to the other's behavior, just like he knew the red haired would just complain and thrown smart remarks to a certain point, knowing he couldn't risk the only place he could live at. getting in the council's bad side didn't seem like a good, or clever, idea.

"the meetings weren't a problem in my first years, as a way of monitoring my situation, but after holding them for eleven years, the whole thing is quite illegal. after five years, and with the contract we signed, i'm considered a citizen and holding meetings with someone should come with a valid reason and papers explaining the situation." the demon smirked, tilting his head and staring at the older. "now, as far as i know, i never received an explanation paper, nor signed anything confirming the meeting to happen and matter to get solved. so namjoon, we both know the monthly meetings are not really legal and have been held in secret for years now."

it was true, no one beyond the council, yeonjun himself and beomgyu, knew about the whole thing, because it was in fact inappropriate. the thing was, the limbo governors didn't trust the royal demon, and so needed to keep an eye on him frequently. holding meetings was the perfect excuse, as were legal in the first years, and yeonjun obviously wouldn't know a lot about the limbo's constitution with just eleven years old, but it seemed like things had changed and, in namjoon eyes, he realized the male knew about it for a long time now. he just couldn't understand why bringing it up in that moment after ignoring it for years.

the crystalian nodded his head, his calm and steady demeanor not getting shook by the remark.

"you clearly knew it for years, i doubt you're going to do something with such information now. that and the fact you don't have where to go." the demon smirked, nodding his head.

"you're right. i can't do anything right now." it didn't sound like a threat, it wasn't supposed to, but yeonjun knew, and only him, that it was in fact one.

"i take that as it being unnecessary to discuss the topic further. you were called here only so the council could inform about the investigation." the older piled all the documents together, tapping them on the table so it would be even and properly organized. he listened the demon humming in confirmation, and looked up at him, his eyes stopping on the marks on the male's neck. it was weird and suspicious for yeonjun to have them on display, when not showing any sign of compromise before.

namjoon couldn't ignore how the fact could be related to the rumors and the change he finally seemed to notice. it wasn't about yeonjun's appearance, but about his attitude and way of talking, like he had been restraining himself and collecting cards for years, and now putting them on the table little by little. it was worrying, even if nothing much happened, so the crystalian wasn't sure what to think.

"i see you found someone." it wasn't his business, at all, and the older was aware of that, but commenting about it could at least led him into something.

"what do you mean?" yeonjun tilted his head, raising one of his brows while grinning. he obviously knew what the other was talking about, and made it very clear to be testing the crystalian's patience.

"the marks on your neck. i never saw you walking around with something similar, you were always discreet about it." the red haired always found annoying how the council monitored him as some stalkers, but the fact he managed to hide multiple things from them made him satisfied, knowing he was one step ahead.

"i don't think that concerns the council, namjoon." yeonjun shook his head and lowered it as if disappointment, but raised his eyes after. "you see, i don't go around pointing out the ones my brother leave on you."

namjoon would have frozen in shock if he wasn't able to control his expressions. it was absolutely secret the fact he had something with the hell's first prince, and he was sure no one knew about it. that is, until now.

"what are you talking about, daniel? don't talk nonsense."

"no need to pretend it's not true. i'm not bluffing, namjoon, i know about it." yeonjun controlled himself to not let his eyes turn red, knowing he just got the council's leader on his palms brought a different satisfaction for him. the red haired had power over the male in front of him and he was enjoying it more than someone normally would.

"how?" the crystalian held his composure, knowing he couldn't show any signs that he was affected by the comment, but he could see in the demon's eyes that hiding wasn't possible. yeonjun seemed to know everything about him, eyes burning on namjoon's ones as if he could even see his soul.

the red haired was always intense, but that moment made the older see something, he resembled his father way more than before.

"doesn't matter." the younger shrugged, bringing his hand to touch his lip while his elbow kept on the chair's arm, fingerprints on the plump flesh and eyes glancing at the other like he was the one holding the meeting, and namjoon the suspect. "i know a lot of things, namjoon."

"are you threatening me?" the crystalian blinked, almost in disbelief.

"of course not." yeonjun got up from his chair, putting both hands flat on the table and in front of the other, getting slightly close. "i'm stating a fact. you feeling threatened by it just means you're hiding a lot." he straightened himself, giving namjoon a smile. "it was a great meeting, thank you for warning me of the investigation. have a nice day, namjoon."

the red haired then left the room, not sparing a glance to the other or giving him a chance to answer. he knew it was a risky move, talking like that to the council's leader, but yeonjun knew he had to make risky moves now. it was all part of a bigger thing.

a bigger thing that would end with his father's head getting sliced off his body, and himself as the one holding the blade.


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